Why does massage matter? It matters because touch connects us with living in the now, where every moment is new. This is the heart of mindful massage.
Skin-to-skin touch is the fundamental connection of a human experience. In a world where technology weaves an intricate web of support and expanding dependency, the role of massage therapy is growing as a safe space to experience a human connection.
During a massage therapy session, the client and the massage therapist are involved in intentional mindfulness. The more often one practices mindfulness, our capacity to recover and grow from stressful incidents in our human experience is improved.
Oftentimes a person will seek an experience with caring touch that only a massage therapist provides. For example, the person may seek massage therapy after a perceived stressful life encounter.
We have human experiences through personal growth and the transformation of self. This requires an ever-expanding network of relationships that encompass family units, our community—our neighborhood, our nation and the entire world. We have the choice of personal growth when we give or receive a massage. Massage therapy is a form of self-care both physically and mentally.
Massage matters because the experience is more than physical techniques, for it is as much centered around the exchange and the sharing of energy. We share high-consciousness energy of respect, happiness, forgiveness, grace and compassion with those clients we have the privilege of serving with massage therapy.
The following are three actions grounded in mindfulness that allows the massage therapist to have success with any client.
1. Listen to and believe your client—always.
Not listening and simply waiting your turn to talk disrespects the process of history-taking. Assessment and history-taking can reveal critical information on what is important to your client and what results they desire. Suspend your need to know how and focus on what your client would love.
2. Address your client by their name and correctly pronounce their name.
Spell the client’s name correctly—if you are not certain, ask. Asking shows respect for their name. Our names are the first gift that we receive from our family, always treat your client’s names with reverence and respect during the massage session.
3. Explain to and educate your clients as to what you will do and how you are going to do it, and let them know where you are going.
If you are going to touch and massage their neck, announce it to your client before touching their neck. If you plan to massage their quad muscles or their feet—whatever region you intend to touch and massage—announce it and begin.
This offers your client a safe space to receive your touch in a powerful, therapeutic and supportive manner.
I will remind my massage therapist colleagues that we choose this profession, but consider that the profession chose us. The delivery of compassionate care though mindful massage requires a mindset that sees goodness in all people and that all people require and deserve caring concern for their well-being.
About the Author
Benny Vaughn, LMT, BCTMB, has provided therapeutic caring touch for 48 years. He is a Certified Life Mastery Consultant, speaker, and teacher. He resides in Fort Worth, Texas.