Clinical Psychologist Dr. Lamothe suggests a few Bach Original Flower Remedies to get you through

NORTH ANDOVER, Mass., /PRNewswire/ — Preparing for the holiday season is often met not only with anxiety and stress, but for some with an urge to relive past memories or to overeat as a way of coping.

“What is supposed to be a joyous season can lead some of us down a not so healthy path,” says Dr. Lamothe, resident psychologist for Bach Original Flower Remedies and author of The Taming of the Chew. Dr. Lamothe offers these five tips to help you not only prepare for the holiday season, but also survive and thrive.

  1. Think of the things you really enjoy about the holidays and only do those. Try throwing out the old traditions and create new ones that are a better fit for you. If you are looking to let go of the past, try Bach Honeysuckle for over-attachment to past memories. It will help you move forward and plan your holiday with a new, positive outlook.
  2. Use the Bach Emotional Eating Support Kit to keep yourself in emotional balance and help you stay in control of those urges to overeat as a way of coping. (The kit includes Cherry Plum for staying in control; Crab Apple to help you appreciate and accept your body; and Chestnut Bud to help you to stop repeating old, self-destructive behaviors.)
  3. Delegate, delegate, delegate. You do not have to do it all. Let that expectation go and focus on the spirit of the season and have fun. If you are feeling overwhelmed by responsibility, try Bach Elm to help you take on only as much as you can cope with during holiday planning.
  4. Don’t let recurring thoughts ruin your holiday planning. Too much worrying about finding the perfect present or managing your busy holiday schedule can disrupt your concentration. Let Bach White Chestnut help stop those obsessive thoughts that seem impossible to control.
  5. With the holiday season, also come traffic jams, long lines and repetitive holiday music. Bach Impatiens can ease your irritations and frustrations and help you cope more calmly. Just take a few drops directly on your tongue or in your favorite beverage whenever you feel impatient.