Both acupuncture and acupressure address conditions through the body’s energy lines, or energy system—and this can result in seemingly healing miracles. These effects seem like miracles, because in the U.S. the body’s energy lines are neglected.
We are taught about muscles and the skeletal system, as well as the nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems; however, we are not taught about the energetic systems of the human body. Medical professionals are just now becoming aware of the importance of the energetic system as it relates to health and wellness.
Principles of acupuncture indicate it is impossible to have a pathological condition or a biomechanical problem in the body without having an energetic problem associated with it, and maximum recovery in the shortest period of time is impossible unless you address this energetic element.
Acu-Kinesiology was developed with the primary intention of relieving spinal pain, and was built on solid clinical physiology and acupuncture principles. This hands-on technique addresses clients’ bodies through their energy system.
Unblock Energy
The technique addresses energy blockages of the eight extraordinary meridians, as well as musculo-tendino meridians and chakras. The effect of this work is similar to that achieved by traditional Chinese acupuncture; however, it also contains a spiritual element.
Acu-Kinesiology brings to the table a means to reorientate a client back to the powerful flow of wellness carried by the eight extraordinary meridians. It is the synthesis of principles related to the eight extraordinary meridians and musculo-tendino meridians of acupuncture and principles of chakra systems as they relate to the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine.
Also included are principles of spinal biomechanics of osteopathy, biomechanics of the nervous system, and chiropractic-related energetic procedures.
I synthesized many of these scattered and lost modalities through trial and observation of clinical responses. The end product was a 10-step protocol, with each step addressing a specific dysfunction.
Acu-Kinesiology produces benefits through elimination of musculoskeletal problems, especially spinal pain and tension.
Many of the major pathways of Chinese medicine’s eight extraordinary meridians lie along the spine. Other meridian channels derive their source of energy from the eight extraordinary meridians. Therefore, if there is an interruption in the flow of wellness through the eight extraordinary meridians, it will cause spinal tension and dysfunction in other meridian channels.
Structural conditions may be addressed by working with the eight extraordinary meridians. One of the eight extraordinary meridians, the chong mai, or penetrating meridian, is considered “the general of the spine,” and according to Chinese medicine, there is a close relationship between its function and spinal tension and biomechanics.
The musculo-tendino meridians are precursors to traditional Chinese acupuncture meridians. There are 12 musculo-tendino meridians and 12 traditional Chinese acupuncture meridians.
The musculo-tendino meridians are coupled as yin and yang components of the five elements of acupuncture, as are traditional Chinese acupuncture meridians. Their pathways are similar, sharing beginning and end points; however, their clinical expression varies.
Acu-Kinesiology was developed to balance energy blockages of the eight extraordinary meridians, as well as musculo-tendino meridians and the chakras—but not the traditional Chinese acupuncture meridians. I developed the technique in this way because the eight extraordinary meridians and musculo-tendon meridians are the most powerful meridians, as they transport the largest amount of energetic energy.
Many times, when you correct a blockage within these larger meridian flows, lesser influential meridians of traditional Chinese acupuncture meridians are automatically fixed. Secondary results can include improvements in biomechanical dysfunction and pain in extremities, as well as improvement of organ systems.
Nourish the Body
Acu-Kinesiology can be performed by touching, or tapping, and addresses both energetic and physiological elements of healing. And, as stated earlier, if there is a disease or physical dysfunction, then there is an associated energetic dysfunction. This energetic element will, according to Chinese medicine, manifest as spinal tension.
When the cause of energetic dysfunction and spinal tension is released by Acu-Kinesiology, the result is an increase in healing energy. This released healing energy nourishes and heals the body primarily through acupuncture systems. This, in turn, causes an increase in blood supply through neurological reactions. This increased blood flow carries components that support healing.
One of the primary reasons Acu-Kinesiology is feasible for massage therapists to add to their practices is because it is easy on the hands and body. Acu-Kinesiology may be used for one-quarter, half or more of a bodywork session. Because the technique employs gentle touching or tapping, instead of effleurage or petrissage, it helps alleviate burnout and assists in avoiding injury.
Many massage therapists have told me the majority of their clients present with some form of spinal tension. Acu-Kinesiology is an effective tool to help massage therapists address this tension. Another benefit to clients is the very relaxed and centered sensation they receive during and after an Acu-Kinesiology treatment. They will sleep better and feel better.
Muscle Testing
A massage therapist’s knowledge of anatomy, especially the musculoskeletal system, will be a tremendous asset in his ability to learn the art and science of Acu-Kinesiology. It will assist him in identifying the body’s landmarks, as well as the location and primary functions of internal organs. It will also help him learn manual muscle testing, or applied kinesiology, which is a key element of Acu-Kinesiology.
One aspect of muscle testing is to determine which muscle is weakened by dysfunction. The therapist will use manual muscle testing to find the weakened muscle, which becomes the indicator muscle.
They will then apply Acu-Kinesiology. Next, manual muscle testing is applied again. If the therapist applied the correct procedure, the weakened, indicator muscle will become stronger. If this was not the correct procedure, the muscle will remain weak.
Touching Spirit
An increasing number of people are becoming aware of the holistic benefits of kinesiology.
We are human beings whose health and well-being is the composite of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our makeup. One affects the other, and they cannot be separated. Psychologists and physicians are increasingly aware of the effects emotions can have on the body.
One concept posits our thoughts and emotions are energy cysts that have an effect on many aspects of our lives. If we cling to these constrictive thoughts and emotions, they can cause a blockage in the flow of energetic energy through the body’s energy system and create pathology.
Specific emotions and spiritual attributes, both positive and negative, are associated with each chakra. Each chakra is also associated with a specific spinal point.
Acu-Kinesiology is designed to assist with the release of these detrimental energy cysts by many avenues and methods. The technique restores energetic flow to help the affected chakra regain its homeostasis.
This healing modality will also help develop the therapist’s healing heart. It will assist him in focusing intent to exponentially increase speed and effectiveness of the client’s healing potential.
About the Author:
Richard Guidry, DC, is certified in acupuncture and chiropractic meridian/acupuncture orthopedics, and holds certifications in additional health care techniques. He developed Acu-Kinesiology and also completed graduate studies in applied clinical nutrition and energetic diagnosis. He is the author of Acu-Kinesiology.