Next time you look around your practice or simply think about work and wonder what might be missing, you may find your answer in a continuing education class. These courses are designed specifically for professional massage therapists and bodyworkers, and the sheer variety of options when it comes to continuing education should ensure there is a class to suite nearly any need.
However, it is up to you as the individual massage therapist or bodyworker to determine what your own personal needs may be in relation to continuing education. This means figuring out or at least getting a general idea of areas or aspects of your practice that could use a bit of change. The form that change takes will all depend on your specific needs and the continuing education courses you choose to complete.
For example, it may be that refreshing your knowledge is the type of change that would most benefit you, your practice and your clients. This could mean refreshing your knowledge of body mechanics with the latest continuing education class on this topic, so you have more energy to bring to your session work and feel less drained on your off time.
Then again, refreshing may mean taking a course on a touch technique you currently use, but learning about it in a continuing education class that takes a bit of a different angle or approach to this hands-on skill. Basically, getting refreshed via continuing education might mean taking a class on a familiar topic that may have gathered a bit of dust and rust over time.
Perhaps the optimal form of change for you, your practice and your clients is not a refresher course, but a continuing education class that brings a whole new area of knowledge to your career as a professional massage therapist or bodyworker. Many times, this can mean enrolling in continuing education classes on a touch modality that is new to you.
Continuing education can teach you to weave a completely different modality into your daily session work, which can bring a host of benefits. For starters, it can add diversity to your day and more options for your clients. It also can mean making more money and having a renewed sense of passion for your work.
At times, though, the new knowledge you feel you need to gain in continuing education classes may not be about a certain modality or touch technique. It may be more about the business side of your massage therapy or bodywork practice. Fortunately, there is an array of continuing education on business topics geared toward the special needs of professional massage therapists and bodyworkers.
For instance, you may decide to get proactive about gaining more clients by taking a continuing education course on marketing and outreach for your practice, or you might decide to take control of your finances by taking a continuing education class on basic accounting procedures.
Next time you find yourself wondering how to improve your massage therapy or bodywork practice, do something about it by taking a look at what the broad realm of continuing education has to offer.