"Ben Benjamin, PhD, has been working as a practitioner in the bodywork field for the past 58 years. After beginning as a massage therapist, he studied Orthopedic Medicine with Dr. James Cyriax and earned his PhD in Sports Medicine in the late 1970s. He has written or co-authored five books: “Are you Tense? The Benjamin System of Muscular Therapy,” “Exercise Without Injury,” “Listen to Your Pain,” “The Ethics of Touch” and “Conversation Transformation.” He has produced multiple sets of DVDs on his Orthopedic work over the last 30 years so that people can access his work who cannot come to live trainings. He is a senior certified SAVI communication skills trainer and has been an executive coach for over 40 years. He teaches courses in Communication Skills and Ethics. Since 1984 he has run training programs in Orthopedic Manual Therapy in Boston and taught workshops throughout the U.S. for decades. Over the last 10 years, Benjamin has built a subscription website that offers over 140 courses by him, Tracy Walton, Judith Walker, Carol Osborne, Whitney Lowe, Ruth Werner, and others in Orthopedic Manual Therapy, Cancer, Pregnancy Massage, Ethics, NMT, Fibromyalgia and Research. He works as an Expert Witness in cases of sexual misconduct and abuse as well as injury-related cases in the massage and bodywork field."