Basic Steps to Benefit Most from Massage Continuing Education, MASSAGE MagazineThere are several tips and tricks that can allow you to get more out of every continuing education class you take as a professional massage therapist or bodyworker. Of course, everyone should walk away from a continuing education experience having gained new knowledge and skills. However, with these tips and tricks, you may be able to increase the amount of knowledge and skills you derive from your next continuing education course.

Let’s begin with the basics and cover the steps toward ensuring you get the baseline level of benefits offered by the continuing education class you intend to take. These steps are all under your control, so try to make them happen in order to have the most positive continuing education experience possible.

First of all, you will want to make sure you are getting adequate rest. This is essential, so you can concentrate on what is being taught during each continuing education session. It can also be important to lighten your schedule a bit during the course of the continuing education class. This way, you will not be stressed out or distracted, which can all too quickly turn a continuing education class from a fruitful experience into a dreaded obligation.

Another factor that can help you make the most of continuing education is to try your best to select a continuing education class you are really interested in, which means a continuing education class that is aligned with your passions and goals for your practice. Selecting such a continuing education class involves taking the time to reflect on exactly what those passions and goals may be when it comes to your personal practice as a massage therapist or bodyworker.

Whether you choose to take your next continuing education class online, in person at a local site or via a destination seminar of some kind will also play a role in how to derive the most benefits from the experience. For instance, if you choose to take your continuing education class online, you will want to make sure you have a reliable computer and Internet connection set up in an area where you will be fully able to concentrate during the continuing education classes.

If the continuing education class is going to be taken in person at a local site, then you need to be certain you can make it to that site at the appointed days and times, which goes back to possibly clearing your calendar a bit during the time you’re taking the continuing education course.

For those destination continuing education seminars, the main factors to consider would be making sure that taking this continuing education class will fit within your budget and schedule. As mentioned earlier, stress and anxiety can take away from the continuing education experience, so you want to be heading out for your seminar with a clear mind and low stress level.

By tending to each of these steps and details, you can work toward securing the best possible continuing education experience—the kind of continuing education that can help make you a better practitioner.