A massage therapy session’s results are a direct reflection of how that massage therapist thinks. It is not massaging techniques alone that produces a great massage therapy session; it is the combination of thought energy and physical massage techniques applied in harmony with what matters for the client in that session.
An expression of thankfulness is what we know as gratitude. In massage therapy, the massage therapist is often the recipient of this energy of thought because of the amazing human experience they create with massage touch, words and attentive listening.
What the massage therapy client desires are the same things that all humans on the planet desire: respect, courtesy, compassion, grace, increase, and above all else, love.
Collaboration in Massage Sessions
When we, as massage therapists, collaborate with a client, we are utilizing one of the most powerful tools for wellness. It is touch, it is massage and it is even more when coupled with attentive listening and believing what you hear from the client.
Your results will be amplified beyond amazing expectations when you listen.
Why is this so? I believe that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. The massage therapist blends science with intuition to create an experience through touch that transcends traditional health care experiences such as crowded waiting rooms and tardy practitioners.
Being an hour tardy for a client is simply unacceptable, yet this behavior is a repeated standard in American medical practices. Not listening to your client and simply waiting your turn to talk creates mistrust and a lack of confidence with that client.
Ask Clients This Question
Before your client arrives, develop a gratitude ritual to perform before your massage therapy session begins. This practice of prayer or meditation will set your intention and will evoke a higher frequency for your intention to be the best version of you, a massage therapist, at this moment when it is required the most.
Speak out loud those words that evoke a high vibrational frequency of abundance, care, compassion and possibilities. Go into each massage therapy session with the thought, “I am helping my client now.” You must suspend your need to know how you will help them and focus your attention on what you will create with them.
Ask your client this question: “What would you love from this massage session?” Ask the question to discover what matters to your client. Let your knowledge, experience and training be guided by the answer to that question from your client. What matters to them? What would they love?
Pain is an expression of body-mind imbalance that is communicated via the autonomic nervous system. This communication creates human physiology activity in the form of actions and reactions. Movement is the language of our relationship with Earth’s gravity. Movement is how our body expresses thoughts and spirit. Human experience is expressed in the physical form of movement. It is this human movement capacity that is affected by massage therapy.
Be Brave & Brilliant in Massage Sessions
The most successful massage therapy sessions begin with intentional thought and mindfulness of service and love. The massage therapy session with a client is the visible expression of the thoughts of the massage therapist.
To provide the very best massage therapy session for what matters for the client requires a combination of science and intuition. Intuition is not a random action; it is rather a thought-energy driven event that can be enhanced by your continued and consistent learning and your life experiences.
Have your clients feel welcome. Have your clients feel heard. Have your clients feel love. Create an experience of respect, courtesy and compassion. Be brave and brilliant in your massage therapy session and be grateful for the privilege to work with your client.
About the Author
Benny Vaughn is a working massage therapist for 47 years now. He is a Certified Life Coach, Advisor and Consultant to professional athletes. He combines massage and bodywork with his Life Coaching skills to create an amazing Mind-Body experience for his clients.