Psychologists – and those who have an abortion experience – answer 'yes' at Chicago Conference
The conference is being held at the Chicago Marriott Oak Brook, and is being sponsored by the Knights of
Monday's speakers included several fathers who had lost their children to abortion, as well as presentations by psychologists, a counselor and a sociologist. The conference continues today.
Psychologist Dr.
"The APA has missed the boat and has misguided the American public," said Rue. "It is out of touch with reality and the pain and suffering of these very real people."
In addition, Rue pointed out that the APA position is at odds with a statement by the Royal College of Psychiatrists in
He added: "Perhaps it's time to include discussion of the psychological risks for their partners and their relationships as well since the majority fail after abortion."
Rue also cited an
"Women choosing to terminate must be offered an appropriate package of follow-up care, which includes psychological counseling when needed," the article concluded.
Psychologist Dr.
SOURCE Knights of