The CDC today released guidelines for what a person can expect to be able to do once they are vaccinated.
Once you are vaccinated, according to the new guidelines:
• You can gather with other vaccinated people indoors without wearing a mask.
•You can gather indoors with unvaccinated people from one household without masks, as long as none of those people (or people they live with) has an increased risk for COVID-19-related severe illness.
•Even if you’ve been around someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, you can gather with others, and don’t need to get tested yourself—unless you develop symptoms.
Although some restrictions are eased once you have been vaccinated, the CDC noted that some things have not changed:
• Continue to follow guidelines for your workplace.
• Keep wearing a mask, social distance at least six feet, and avoid poorly ventilated spaces and crowds when you gather with unvaccinated people from more than one other household; visit with an unvaccinated person who is at increased risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19 (or who lives with someone who meets that criteria).
• Avoid large- and medium-sized gatherings.
• Avoid both international and domestic travel. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, get tested and stay away from other people.
The information below provides curated links to sources of information on how entities in the U.S. are researching new variant; what to expect at your vaccine appointment; how to track infection rates in your state; and where to find out exactly where your state is in regard to business open/closed regulations.
Vaccine Tracker
Johns Hopkins University & Medicine
This interactive map of the U.S. shows which states are publicly reporting data about the administration of COVID-19 vaccines. “This effort will expand as more U.S. states make data available, new vaccines are approved, and consistent data standards are established.” Click on your state to see county data and demographics, new daily cases and more.
Vaccines and Vaccine Appointments Explained
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Discover what to expect before, during and after your appointment to get vaccinated for COVID-19, and the types of vaccines available.
Click here for appointment information
Click here for vaccine information
New COVID-19 Variants
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
New variants, or strains, of the virus are making their way around the world, and are thought to be much—up to 70%—more transmissible than the previous strain. Learn how public health officials are studying the new variants so they can control their spread.
State-By-State Resources on Massage Open-Or Closed Status Related to COVID-19
MASSAGE Magazine
Regulations related to massage and other personal-care services have changed throughout the pandemic. Find out where your state stands.