The First National Healthcare Incentives Institute has announced its speakers and final agenda for the three-day event, scheduled for October 19 – 21, 2008 at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, DC.
The agenda, registration, conference hotel and other detailed information is available at or 1-800-684-4549.
The National Healthcare Incentives Institute is co-sponsored by Bridges to Excellence, eHealth Initiative, Harvard Health Policy Review, Health Affairs, HealthTech, HFMA, Integrated Healthcare Association, the Leapfrog Group, TransforMED and many other leading organizations.
The Institute features 70 faculty members, including 20 keynote sessions with highly acclaimed national experts, and 32 concurrent sessions. The Incentives Institute is dedicated to the life, work and contributions of Kenneth J. Arrow, PhD, Professor of Economics, Emeritus, Stanford University, Author, Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care (The American Economic Review), Nobel Prize in Economics, Palo Alto, CA. The Institute is also collocated with the National Consumer Driven Healthcare Summit ( and a special registration fee is available to attend any session from the Summit as well.
The Institute also features two important preconferences and a post conference. On October 19th, the two special preconferences include a session on the Bridges to Excellence Transparency, Pay-for-Performance, and Public Reporting – Implementing the PROMETHEUS Payment„ Program; and a session on Patient Centered Medical Home, Maximizing Today’s Realities While Preparing for Tomorrow’s Opportunities by TransforMED, an Affiliate of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). On October 21st, the special Postconference Banquet and Workshop addresses the Leapfrog Hospital Rewards Program-Lessons Learned from the Nation’s First Off-the-Shelf P4P Program for America’s Hospitals.
Institute co-chairs include: Leah Binder, MA, MGA, CEO, The Leapfrog Group; Francois de Brantes, CEO, Bridges to Excellence; John Iglehart, Founding Editor, Health Affairs, National Correspondent, New England Journal of Medicine; Terry McGeeney, MD, MBA, President and CEO, TransforMED; Meredith B. Rosenthal, PhD, Associate Professor of Health Economics and Policy, Harvard School of Public Health; and Tom Williams, Executive Director, Integrated Healthcare Association.
Institute keynote speakers include: Robert L. Broadway, FHFMA, Vice President of Corporate Strategy at the Bethesda Healthcare System, and Chairman, Healthcare Financial Management Association; Molly Joel Coye, MD, MPH, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Health Technology Center; Helen Darling, President, National Business Group on Health; Robert S. Galvin, MD, MBA, Director, Global Healthcare, General Electric Company; George C. Halvorson (Invited), Chairman and CEO, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.; Regina E. Herzlinger, PhD, Nancy R. McPherson Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School; Paul Keckley, PhD, Executive Director, Deloitte Center for Health Solutions; Robert Margolis, MD, Managing Partner and CEO, HealthCare Partners; Arnold Milstein, MD, MPH, US Health Care Thought Leader, Mercer Health & Benefits, Medical Director, Pacific Business Group on Health; Anne Mutti, MPA, Senior Analyst, MedPAC; Richard A. Norling, MA, MHA, President and CEO, Premier, Inc.; Margaret “Peggy” E. O’Kane, President, National Committee for Quality Assurance; Peter R. Orszag, PhD (Invited), Director, Congressional Budget Office; Meredith B. Rosenthal, PhD, Associate Professor of Health Economics and Policy, Harvard School of Public Health; Frank A. Sloan, PhD, J. Alexander McMahon Professor, Health Policy and Management and Professor of Economics, Duke University; Thomas Valuck, MD, MHSA, JD, Medical Officer and Senior Advisor, Center for Medicare Management, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; and Andrew Webber, President and CEO, National Business Coalition on Health. The Institute also includes 56 additional featured faculty during track, pre conference and post conference sessions.
To register online or to download a conference brochure and registration form, visit, call 800-684-4549, or email Organizations interested in Exhibit or Sponsorship opportunities may contact Joni Lipson, Exhibit Manager at 215-599-6626 or
Registration Information:
National Healthcare Incentives Institute
Paul Tunnecliff
Toll-free: 800-684-4549
(Continental U.S., Alaska and Hawaii only)
Fax: 760-418-8084
Exhibit/Sponsorship Information:
Joni Lipson, 800-546-3750
Fax: 215-545-8107