From fruits and vegetables to herbs and flowers, the ingredients featured in a massage cream can span the spectrum. These natural elements can appeal to professional massage therapists and bodyworkers looking for a product that brings benefits to the table without bringing synthetic ingredients, as well. With so many different creams on the market, touch therapists can have some fun and play around with the wide variety of ingredients.
Before you jump in to exploring products that contain elements such as coconut oil or rosemary, first pin down the texture you are looking for in a massage cream. Remember, clients are coming to you, first and foremost, to receive your services as a professional massage therapist or bodyworker, not because you use a wonderful massage cream—though that can become a strong factor of added value and repeat business.
You must have a cream that provides the right level of lubrication for the techniques you will be applying in the session room. If you base your selection of a massage cream mainly on the fun or appealing ingredients it includes, you could end up with the wrong lubricant for your practice.
Some manufacturers list whether their product is designed to work for practitioners who tend to perform lighter or deeper work. If such information is not listed in the product details, try giving the manufacturer a call to ask about the consistency of the cream, what type of massage therapy or bodywork it is designed to accompany and whether you can get some free samples to try out on friends and family.
When it comes to picking out a new massage cream, make sure it has both desirable ingredients and the right ratio of friction and glide.
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