One might think choosing a massage cream is a fairly simple decision. However, with so many options on the market, what seems simple often is not. The professional massage therapist or bodyworker will certainly want to be sure he or she is selecting the best possible product or assortment of products for each client, as well as for his or her own work and well-being.
As is the case with many of life’s decisions, investing a bit of time in researching, or at least thinking about, the options is a good way to go when it comes to massage cream.
For those massage therapists and bodyworkers who have been in practice for quite some time, there is likely a short list of massage creams you have come to rely upon. Perhaps you are wondering why you should go to the trouble of considering new massage creams.
Staying abreast of what the massage industry has to offer is, in fact, a basic principle of good business. There may be a massage cream out now that does everything your current massage cream does and more. In the end, if nothing new appeals to you, you can always stick with or go back to your trusted product, knowing more about what is out there and feeling even better about your selection.
You might, on the other hand, be shopping around for massage creams because you are not entirely satisfied by what your current lubricant has to offer. Maybe the glide or stick is not quite right. It could be the scent or that mysterious synthetic ingredient that is throwing you off. Learning new skills and techniques may also be the impetus for seeking a massage cream that better showcases those healing hands.
Whatever the reason, one good way to begin your search for massage creams might be to make a list of what your current lubricant lacks and what you are looking for, specifically, in your new product. Don’t limit yourself by what you think is out there. Dream big, and put on paper all the qualities your perfect massage cream would contain.
With this list in hand, you can begin to look at what the manufacturers of massage creams have to offer. If you have access to the Internet, this should be fairly easy. For starters, go to a search engine and type in the phrase “massage creams.” You can even add one or more other keywords when you’re doing your search, such as “organic” or “essential oils,” or even words as specific as “coconut” or “paraben-free.”
As you go about this initial exploration, make note of those products that look like they might fit the bill, as well as which companies make them and where they are sold. Once you have compiled this list of potential purchases, go a step further and contact each of the companies that make these massage creams.
An employee of the company should be happy to discuss the product in detail, answering any lingering questions you might have, such as where the ingredients are grown and how they’re harvested and processed. Be sure to ask for a few free samples if you’re still a bit uncertain about which massage cream is best suited for you.
–Brandi Schlossberg