Use Lines of Credit Wisely, by Brian Dawson, MASSAGE Magazine Business TipSome people believe getting as much business credit as possible is ideal, so a business owner always has available business credit to tap into when times get rough.

Caution: Be careful when using this approach. After credit is issued to the business owner, the bank issuing the credit (credit cards or lines of credit) will, in some financial climates, tend to try to reduce it as much as possible to reduce its risk in the future. You may have already been surprised by this when you received notification from your credit-card company or bank that your credit line had been reduced.

Using credit is best done in this way: Have huge lines of credit available, but never be forced to use them. Get to the point where you always have plenty of cash to pay your bills and expand your business. In this way, you really do own your business and you don’t have someone who gave you credit trying to be an unintended partner of your business because you owe them money.

Alternative: Cash is king!

Depending on where a business owner is financially, I recommend trying to amass as much cash as possible; therefore, the business owner won’t have to worry about needing credit and will be able to buy needed supplies with huge discounts.

As a historical side comment, more millionaires surfaced during the times of the Great Depression than any other time in our history. Many of the giant corporations around today started back in those days—because they had cash to buy inventory, businesses and real estate for pennies on the dollar.

Brian Dawson, Use Lines of Credit Wisely, MASSAGE Magazine Business TipDr. Brian Dawson was educated at Purdue University and Palmer College of Chiropractic. His interest in finance began when he found the business and administrative side of running health clinics to be a frustrating and inexact science. Now, as COO of Money Management Solutions, Dr. Dawson is involved in helping chiropractors and other health professionals from all around the country achieve success and get on the road to wealth and financial freedom. He recently released his new book, Breaking the Profit Barrier—the Healthcare Practitioner’s Guide. Money Management Solutions specializes in helping health professionals with all of their financial and marketing needs-including Internet marketing and Web sites. For more information about the company’s services, contact Dr. Brian Dawson, D.C., at (727) 448-1011 or e-mail him at You can also visit