From the MASSAGE Magazine article, “How to Play the Insurance Game—and Win!” by Laura Allen, in the October 2009 issue. Article summary: Some people incorrectly view massage therapy as a luxury—and in an economic downturn, it may be among the first expenditures to go when people try to cut expenses. However, those people who can’t afford the full price of a massage will still come to your session room if they can get relief and relaxation for a small co-payment. Insurance will allow you to attract clients who might not be able to pay out of pocket for massage, increasing your client base.
• Hands Heal: Communication, Documentation, and Insurance Billing for Manual Therapists, by Diana L. Thompson (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005)
• Manipulate Your Future; A Comprehensive Guide To Medical Massage Insurance Billing, by Vivian Madison-Mahoney (American Medical Association, 2002)
• One Year to a Successful Massage Therapy Practice, by Laura Allen (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008)