Even though the economy is tough, Middletown small business, Lypossage esthetiques Internationale, LLC, is growing by putting efforts into the International Market and, at the same time,  facilitating growth  for strategically aligned U.S. businesses. 

On February 17, 2009, the Lypossage name was licensed to the  Korean firm UIISpa in Seoul. UIISpa will have the right to proliferate the treatment known as Lypossage.

Currently, Lypossage is in almost every country in Europe, the Baltics, every state in the United States, Brazil, Australia, the Caribbean and Canada.

Lypossage is a treatment specific to women. It is a non-surgical series of treatments focused on body contouring, cellulite treatments and natural face lifts. 

The Lypossage protocol was invented by Charles Wiltsie, managing partner of Lypossage esthetiques Internationale LLC. Lypossage is now the number-one body contouring brand in the world, with more than 9,000 practitioners  (Lypotherapists) worldwide. Lypossage maintains multiple strategic alliances with companies that produce internal supplements, more than 150 body and skin products for women and medical equipment for day spas, medical spas, plastic surgeons and alternative health services practitioners for the Lypossage brand. 

Lypossage‘s home office is  at 496 Saybrook Road in Middletown, Connecticut. For more info, call (860) 346-1156.