“For that night, we were all working together, and I was a part of it. It felt so amazing. I will forever be grateful to have been able to participate in such a way.”
-Kristin Lucido
Robert McDonald was one of the massage students who worked on rescue workers and volunteers at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan.

Massage therapist Rose Cabo, who volunteered aboard the USNS Comfort, a Navy hospital ship that docked in New York Harbor after Sept. 11, meets Senator John McCain (R-AZ).

Angi Hanan (left) and Janet Markovits volunteered massage at Engine 226 firehouse in Brooklyn.

Chicago massage therapist John Magruder traveled to New York City to volunteer, and offered seated massage at the New York City Medical Examiner’s office.

Noran Malouf massages a volunteer at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan.

Manhattan’s Swedish Institute of Massage was transformed into the dispatch headquarters for more than 500 massage therapists who staffed massage sites throughout New York City immediately following Sept. 11.
