
March/April 2002, Issue 96On the Cover
Healing Emotions Through the Body:
Massaging Away Trauma, Shock and Grief

by Deborah Allen, Scott Bader and Dan Buffo

Everywhere we turn these days, we read or hear the word “trauma.” When a word begins to have popular usage, sometimes its deepest meaning becomes obscured. “Trauma” has appeared in the headlines of publications ranging from the New York Times to The Washington Post to People magazine, in the wake of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 and as the war in Afghanistan continues.
Trauma is our total embodied reaction to unbearable violations that overwhelm our inner resources. Whether the traumatic event happened as part of the natural world, such as an earthquake or fire, or at the hands of other humans, such as torture, war or abuse, the body responds in predictable ways. What is not predictable, and makes all the difference in alleviating the feelings associated with trauma, is what happens after the traumatic event. Since the energy of trauma can settle in the body, massage and touch therapists are in a position to help clients release trauma and move ahead with their lives.
In This IssueMyoskeletal Alignment Techniques
Part Two: Simplifying the Pain Puzzle

by Erik Dalton, Ph.D.
It was a moment of epiphany, where wisdom hung heavily in the air. The legendary, feisty, 92-year-old Detroit osteopath Clarence Harvey was about to share his unusual but profound mantra for assessing neck-and-back dysfunction with a classroom packed with students. Wearing a slight smile on his wizened face, he slowly turned to the chalkboard and boldly wrote in large letters, “Don’t chase the pain.”Although initially the intent of his statement seemed vague and somewhat cloudy, it stirred memories dating back 20 years, when the queen of fascial work, Ida Rolf, Ph.D., made a strikingly similar comment that supported Harvey’s advice. During an Esalen Institute presentation I attended in the early ’70’s, she had bluntly stated, “Get ’em aligned and balanced. If the pain goes away, that’s their tough luck.”
United States of Anxiety:
Massage Clients Seek Relief from Increased Stress

by Karen Menehen, Editor
Massage client Mary Jones (not her real name) of Portland Oregon, likens the nationwide effect of the events of Sept. 11 to how she felt when she was raped nine years ago: as if her safety and security were ripped away in a single moment; intense fear and anxiety regarding the future and another possible attack; and the belief that nothing would ever be the same again.
The events of Sept. 11 – the terrorist hijackings and attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon – differed from natural disasters and isolated, traumatic events, experts say, in that they were experienced by, and affected, virtually the entire nation.
Pages from History
by Robert Noah Calvert

This is the first installment of a new column on the history of massage equipment, tools and products. The history of massage has been largely forgotten, and much of it is yet to be revealed. Learning about the past can instill pride and create traditions, as it has in many other professions. In an industry that is sometimes tainted by allusions to its relationship with prostitution and sexuality, it is important to understand that massage has a rich and long history that has nothing to do with these elements of human activity. In an industry striving for recognition, with a history virtually unknown and unappreciated, telling the story of its past can instill self-respect – and the knowledge that massage has been a significant and enduring part of human history since it was first recorded further empowers all who do massage therapy.
Research Matters
by Janet Kahn, Ph.D.

In this column, researcher Janet Kahn, Ph.D., shares what’s happening in the area of massage research and what the massage field can do for its advancement. In this issue, a discussion of the current status of complementary and integrative medicine in the United States, and the roles that four key national organizations play in advancing these types of health care.

Body & Spa: In the Flow
by Melinda Minton

Water has a long and rich history in the healing arts. Similar to the robust history of massage, water therapies have been utilized in virtually every culture since the rise of early civilization in Mesopotamia, 3000-5000 B.C.
According to most historical sources, pre-civilized man viewed water as a gift from the gods – one of the fixed elements, like air. Early man enjoyed the flowing rivers and mineral-rich springs, bogs and lakes. Once civilization moved into more condensed living clusters, such as the Roman city-states, people expected available water sources, just as modern man expects today’s utility services. Scholar Fikret Yegul speaks to the Roman bath trend, in his study Baths and Bathing in Classical Antiquity, as the central component of daily life in the Roman Empire.

SpaMassage News:
Celebrating the spa; Hands of Hope fund established; Spa alliance seeks partners; Spas’ multilevel healing

Expert AdviceE X P E R T   A D V I C E
by Charlotte Michael Versagi

Charlotte explain what craniosacral therapy is, and how to maintain professional boundaries.

Body Language: I
by Thomas Myers

This column explores the alphabet in somatic terms. In this issue we explore the letter I: Eunice Ingham and reflexology, and the concept of imago.

Pages From History:  Slabs, Couches and Tables
by Robert Noah CalvertIn this article we explore the history of slabs, couches and tables. The first so-called massage tables were used during the time of the Greeks and Romans, and were marble or wood slabs called plinths. These were used in the great gymnasiums of Greece from about 800 B.C. to 146 B.C.; and in the palatial baths of the Roman Empire from about 300 B.C. to A.D. 476.
Practice Building: Navigating the Pathway to Phenomenal Touch: 10 Steps to Transform Your Massage
by Leslie BruderThe differences are subtle, yet when added up they can  have an enormous impact on both client and therapist. These principles and guidelines can transform a massage from good to remarkable, shift work from drudgery into dance; and save one’s body from the normal wear and tear of the massage profession.

Reader Expression: Is it OK for massage therapists to accept tips? Why, or why not?
Readers respond
Table Talk:
Rolfing Scores A Touchdown!
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