About PANDA Massage CEU
Our goal is to provide the most diverse, engaging, and informative online massage therapy continuing education courses to practicing massage therapists in the re-certification process. Panda Massage CEU courses are developed by leading Subject Matter Experts in the massage industry, and are regularly reviewed to ensure the information you receive is current, accurate, and up to date.
Our cutting edge learning management system helps you track progress as you work to complete your courses, and our convenient shopping cart allows for the purchase of single courses or course packages. We hope that by taking our courses, you will feel better prepared as you move forward in your massage therapy career.
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We are so sure you'll be happy with your purchase that we offer a "30-Day-Money-Back Guarantee" to ensure customer satisfaction with our Massage CE Classes. If for any reason you wish to discontinue using the service, we will promptly issue a refund.
Simply contact us at info@massageceu.com to speak to a customer care specialist about our 30-Day-Money-Back Guarantee.
Panda CEUs Frequently Asked Questions
MASSAGE Magazine has partnered with Panda Massage CEU to offer members absolutely free continuing education. These courses are curated by top professionals in the world of massage and continually reviewed for accuracy and relevance. That means you can access leading-edge courses any time of the day or night. It's perks like these that make the Massage Magazine Insurance Plus program one of the best values available for massage insurance coverage that supports every aspect of your career.
The amount of continuing education a massage therapist will need to complete is ultimately dependent on the requirements set by your state board for massage. While many states have similar requirements, a massage therapist should always understand their state’s requirements. The number of hours, how often they are required, and even how continuing education (CE) is calculated vary from state to state. Your state board's website is a great place to start to make sure you are aware of all the requirements well ahead of renewal time.
Panda CEU courses were designed to be easy-to-access from anywhere in the world where you have internet access. The online courses combine interactive text, quizzes, videos, and more to be stimulating so that students retain more of what they're learning. The courses are created by top educators in conjunction with massage industry subject matter experts to produce truly useful and authoritative material you can instantly employ in your massage therapy practice.
The best massage CEUs are attained through a quality program that is certified as a continuing education provider. Getting certified means the educator has met all the requirements for teaching at the highest levels in the profession so their students can trust what they are learning is accurate and relevant for today's therapists. Panda Massage CEU stands out as a top program for its incredible library of courses that can all be accessed on an unlimited basis. The coursework is designed to give therapists the choice to develop themselves professionally, brush up on important information, and stay current on changing regulations affecting the industry.
Panda Massage CEU proudly maintains its certification as a continuing education provider which is a driving reason why MASSAGE Magazine chooses to partner with them. Massage continuing education providers are certified through the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB). This organization maintains the standards that must be met in order to ensure that each continuing education provider has a solid program in place. Almost every massage modality is entirely dependent on touch, where clients are trusting their health with what they believe to be skilled hands. Having a certification in place for continuing education providers makes sure they are providing the accurate education required to keep professionals informed and educated on all facets of running a safe massage therapy practice.
There is an incredible diversity of different courses with Panda Massage CEUs, each applying to what can be quite varied but entirely relevant areas of the overall massage practice. For example, you’ll find courses on such massage modalities as reflexology and cupping, as well as many on industry-related topics like pathology and safety and sanitation in massage. Different state boards require different courses, so you should always be sure you are hitting exactly what’s required.
Anyone who has put forth the effort to get through a massage therapy educational program can tell you you will cover an incredible amount of information in a short time. Massage CE helps professionals stay abreast of changes made since they have completed their formal training, as well as an opportunity to learn more about topics of interest. Thinking about your career as a massage therapist, you can choose courses that complement your practice. Learning more about a topic that interests you can help you act as a knowledgeable professional for clients.
The state board for massage therapy in your state will set the requirements for continuing education for therapists. Some states have annual requirements, others bi-annual, and a few even have tri-annual (once every three years) requirements. These requirements mean you will have to demonstrate you have completed the required amount of hours for your state’s license renewal. If you don’t accomplish this, you will most likely not be able to renew, so it's a good idea to be in the know about the specific requirements your state board has for CEs. As well, some states calculate CE differently, so make sure you are well abreast of how the courses will count towards your CE requirements.
Absolutely! One of the best advantages to teaming with Panda Massage CEU is that MMIP members get both free and unlimited access to all of the different courses available. In order to get credit for a class, you will need to pass a final exam for each one with a score of 70 or better. However, you can continue taking the courses as many times as you like to really absorb the material or to brush up on a particular area of emphasis. The courses are all geared toward meeting the basic requirements that state boards require for license renewal.
Nope. Panda Massage CEU is all about maximum accessibility, so the coursework is all done online. You can access online textbooks, watch videos, do quizzes, take your final exam, and access your completion certificate from anywhere you have a connection to the internet. MASSAGE Magazine’s flagship publication also provides a wealth of information for massage therapists on a wide variety of massage industry-related topics to act as a resource every step of your career. You can check out the current issue of Massage Magazine online.
Perhaps the greatest advantage of using Panda Massage CEU courses lies in the fact that there is no set semester such as you might have had in massage school. These courses are designed with busy massage professionals in mind, so you can start and stop your course at any time. The courses are also self-paced, so you don’t have to feel rushed through the material and can spend as much time as you need with the information that really interests you or in an area where you may need a little more practice. With changing requirements in the industry, it’s a great opportunity to find out which courses can be the best benefit to your unique career path.
Absolutely. The Panda Massage CEU curriculum allows you to start, stop, and come back to the same place in your coursework at any time of the day or night. Panda Massage CEUs are all about supporting massage therapists in their careers and are designed with just how busy the typical day gets for therapists. That’s why these courses are so easy to jump in and jump out as often as you need to as you work towards meeting your state board’s CE requirements for therapists. The online coursework was made by massage professionals for massage professionals and is accredited by the most respected certifying agency in massage, the NCBTMB.
Different state boards have different requirements when it comes to how they calculate CE. Some will say that one hour of online instruction equals one CE, so it’s pretty straightforward how many you will need to achieve in order to meet the license renewal requirements. Other states ask for a blend of in-person and either online or classroom study in order to fulfill CE requirements. These rules change often, so you should always be cognizant of how your state board calculates CE and how that translates into how many courses you will need to complete.
Definitely. Panda Massage CEUs are included as a benefit to our members enrolled in a massage insurance plan. We have plans for students, part-time therapists, and full-time therapists that all include access to this fantastic suite of continuing education coursework, which can just as easily be used to give you a taste of what state boards look for as far as CE requirements. You can even purchase a benefits-only plan where you will still enjoy access to the Panda Massage CEU program even without insurance. This benefit is included out of MASSAGE Magazine’s decades-long commitment to helping therapists every step of their career.