Waking to Eden is a memoir written by Zero Balancing faculty member Michele Doucette who, after a traumatic event and facing a diagnosis of autoimmune disease, finds her way to health by exploring and reprogramming the energetic dis-ease in her own DNA. Zero Balancing (ZB) plays a key role in the author’s path to wellness, a path that exemplifies the transformational aspects of both the living principles and the hands-on practice of ZB.
While Waking to Eden is a simple and accessible story about how a woman heals her life by changing her beliefs, bubbling beneath the surface are all the implications of a quantum universe based on noetic science: parallel lifetimes, altered states of consciousnsess, synchroncity, field theory, energy medicine, vibrational chemistry, epigenetics and holographic healing.
You can obtain a copy of Waking to Eden at Amazon.com at www.createspace.com/3432479.