The number of Americans who feel that health care is the number-one problem in the U.S. increased to 19 percent in November (up from 12 percent in October), according to a new Gallup poll.
Other areas that Americans believe are our largest problems include:
• Dissatisfaction with the government (26 percent);
• The economy in general (16 percent);
• Unemployment (13 percent); and
• Federal budget deficit/Federal debt (12 percent)
“Dysfunctional government has replaced the economy and unemployment as Americans’ top concerns, and mentions of healthcare have increased in November to a three-year high,” states an article on the Gallup site. “While fewer mentions of the economy and unemployment may suggest that Americans have grown more satisfied with each, it is more likely that the recent spate of problems in Washington has focused Americans’ concerns on government leadership and healthcare, eclipsing their concern about routine economic issues.”