Incorporate spa treatments into a massage session to benefit clients while increasing your income.

If you have a new client on the table, they may be open-minded about new techniques. Other clients may be massage veterans looking for something different to add to their massage session.

Either way, you are in the perfect position to ask if the client would be interested in enhancing their session with a spa treatment add-on. Below is a list of six spa enhancements to offer clients in your practice.

Foot Treatments

Targeted foot massage can help release strain and tension on the body. Think about it: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults get an average of 150 minutes of moderate activity every week, and the feet carry the weight of the body. Even if you aren’t that active, the feet are under daily stress. Foot massage is a safe treatment and can be given to a wide variety of clients. A good foot massage, with an optional foot soak beforehand, is an easy add-on to a massage session. Consider offering the client 20 minutes as an add-on spa treatment.

Scalp Massage

Many clients need to release cerebral tension — after all, most people are constantly using their brain, and most people carry tension or stress in their head and neck. Simply massaging the scalp assists in releasing that tension and stress. If your client suffers from headaches or migraines, this massage technique can help aid in blood circulation to prevent those issues. Scalp massage can be performed for an additional time of 10 or 20 minutes with or without a product.

Hand Treatments

We all need caring touch, and for tired hands that are constantly typing on a computer or cellphone, a simple hand massage can help stressed-out individuals relax, increase range of motion and improve strength. Hand massage can also benefit clients with arthritis by reducing pain. Adding on an additional 20 or 30 minutes to the massage session with paraffin or a soothing hand cream will help relieve the stress and strain in your client’s hands.


Body scrubs can help maintain fresh, bright skin and also allow the client to feel refreshed. If your client has dull skin due to dryness, a product with some form of exfoliator will revitalize the skin. (Check your regulations to make sure body scrubs are in your scope of practice.)

Using a scrub will also allow for better product penetration from the massage. Allow 20 to 30 minutes for a full-body exfoliation. If only spot-treating hands and feet, add 10 minutes onto the massage session.


This particular spa treatment speaks to the client’s olfactory senses. Clients respond well to aromas that remind them of positive memories or sensations, and this, in return, will enhance their session experience. Of course, aromatherapy also works on a molecular level, with essential oils’ molecules entering the mouth or nose and moving on to other areas of the body. If you use essential oils, its properties can have calming or healing effects, depending on the particular oil.

For instance, if your client is stressed out, consider adding lavender oil to a diffuser so they can smell the product during their treatment. Consider having a wide variety of essential oils and let the client pick out whatever appeals to his or her senses. Do make sure you always ask before applying a product that has a strong smell, and always ask if a client has any allergies. Also, you will need to complete training in the safe handling and administration of essential oils before offering this spa treatment.

Heat & Cold

This spa treatment speaks to body temperature. Adding warm therapy can help relax muscles as well as assist in lengthening muscle fibers for deeper massage work. Adding cold therapy can address strains and sprains and reduce inflammation.

Hot therapy may be administered via warm stones, topical heat analgesics, heated packs and shells or a hydrocollator pad. Cold therapy may be administered via cold stones, cold packs or shells, or topical cooling products.

Give Spa Treatments a Try

These simple upgrades will add a luxurious touch to your clients’ sessions and may even inspire you to create signature service packages to add to your menu.

About the Author

Amra Lear

Amra Lear is a dual-licensed massage therapist and esthetician. She started her career in 1999 at Canyon Ranch Spa Club at the Venetian and has since transitioned to a high-end resort on the Las Vegas Strip. She has more than 30 certifications in massage modalities and esthetics, knowledge of more than 100 modalities, and is a National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork-approved continuing education provider.