Holistic Moms Network Announces October Conference
Caldwell, NJ – Parenting is always challenging but trying to raise green and healthy kids can often feel overwhelming. That doesn’t have to be the case says green lifestyle expert, TV personality, and author Sara Snow. In her new book, Sara Snow’s Fresh Living, she lays out simple, practical steps that “will inspire changes in your life, just a few at a time, so that you are not overwhelmed by a need to change everything at once.”
“Parents do not wake up one morning and radically alter their lifestyle to greener, more sustainable choices,” says Holistic Moms Network Executive Director Nancy Massotto. “Rather, becoming a holistic parent is a journey that we take one step at a time.” Parents might start in the kitchen, seeking out organic foods, purchasing at local farmers markets, or learning about fair trade products. The impact of each of these options not only hits home, but also affects our ecological footprint, according to Ms. Snow.
Whether you want to reduce the toxins in your food, in your home, or on the planet, you will find simple, practical ways to [do so] in Sara Snow’s Keynote presentation, Small Changes to Save a Big Planet, at the 2009 Natural Living Conference on Saturday, Oct. 17, in Basking Ridge, NJ. The Conference will also feature parenting expert and author Naomi Aldort, Ph.D., presenting Babies Through Teens: Having a Child Who Behaves Well of Her Own Free Will, as well as Workshop Sessions on improving school lunch programs, plant-based diets for health, vaccination choice, and the power of positive affirmations.
Those in attendance will also enjoy a Holistic Living Exhibit Hall featuring the goods and services of businesses that support natural living, displays from Holistic Moms Network Sponsors including Mothering Magazine and Organic Valley, book signings with the Keynote Speakers, a Silent Auction of green and healthy products and services to benefit the Holistic Moms Network, and a healthy lunch.
Space is limited and early registration is strongly recommended. Early registration is open to the public and is available through Aug. 31. Member registration is $75 per person, $90 for nonmembers. Late registration, from Sept. 1 through Oct. 9 (space permitting), will be $85 for members, $100 for nonmembers. For details visit http://annualconference.holisticmoms.org or call (877) HOL-MOMS. Online registration is available at http://register.holisticmoms.org and exhibitor and advertiser information can also be downloaded from the website.
The Holistic Moms Network is a national, membership-based and managed, nonprofit organization with more than 100 chapters across the US and Canada. The organization is headquartered in Caldwell, NJ, and launched its first chapter in 2002 in Essex County, NJ. The purpose of the Holistic Moms Network is to provide awareness, education, and support for holistic parenting and to offer a nurturing, open-minded and respectful community for parents to share these ideals. Members’ interests include: natural health and wellness, nutrition and organic whole foods, integrative/alternative medicine, natural childbirth and breastfeeding, positive parenting, and non-toxic, eco-friendly living. Members can participate in educational meetings, local playgroups, and social events in local chapters across the North America.
For more information, please visit: www.holisticmoms.org or contact Executive Director, Nancy Massotto, at 973.228.2110.