Full Set of All ROLMT DVDs
- This set includes all 14 professionally produced DVDs listed below
- You’ll feel like you’re right in the class
- Learn techniques you can use Now in your practice
- Earn up to 50 CEUs approved by NCBTMB and more
- Help your clients to feel better while taking good care of yourself, too
CEUs Available!
Website: https://rayoflightmassagetraining.com/product/full-set-of-all-14-rolmt-dvds/
Scroll down to see the DVDs included in this set
Online courses available as well!
John J. Ray is approved by the NCBTMB as a continuing education Approved Provider. The ROLMT DVDs, Live Classes, and Online Courses are also approved through CE Broker and most states that accept NCBTMB requirements.
Product Description
DVDs Included:
Direct-Indirect Technique – What It Is
This dvd describes how to use Direct-Indirect Technique to effectively release fascial restrictions within & around tight, chronically contracted muscles. 2 CEUs
DIT for Legs and Feet
This dvd shows you how to use DIT to release myofascial restrictions in and around the muscles, tendons, and fascia of the Upper and Lower Leg. You will learn how to relieve Knee soreness, Plantar fascitis, Foot pain, and more. 4 CEUs
DIT for Upper Back and Thorax
This dvd shows you how to use DIT to release myofascial restrictions in and around the Upper and Mid Back muscles, as well as the Pectoral muscles, which tend to counterbalance overused and over-elongated Upper Back muscles. 4 CEUs
DIT for Low Back & Hips
This dvd shows you how to use DIT to release myofascial restrictions in the Low Back, Hip, and IlioPsoas muscles. You will learn several techniques to help clients eliminate or reduce low back, even in cases of herniated disc or sciatica. 4 CEUs
DIT for Neck and Head
This dvd shows you how to use DIT to release myofascial restrictions in the Anterior and Posterior Neck muscles. You will learn to assess neck dysfunctions and compensation patterns and to effectively treat neck pain and headaches. 4 CEUs
DIT for the TMJ, Jaw, and Head
This dvd shows you how to use DIT to release myofascial restrictions in the External and Internal Jaw muscles and other structures in and near the Jaw.
You will learn how to treat TMJ Dysfunction, Jaw pain, and headaches. 4 CEUs
DIT for the Shoulder, Arm, and Hand
This dvd shows you how to use DIT to release myofascial restrictions in the Rotator Cuff muscles, Upper arm muscles, and Forearm and Hand muscles. You will learn how to relieve Shoulder, Arm, Wrist, & Hand pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Brachial Plexus restrictions, and soreness from Repetitive Movement patterns. 4 CEUs
Self-Therapy for the TMJ and Jaw
This dvd shows you (and your clients) how to use DIT on yourself to release myofascial restrictions in the External and Internal Jaw muscles. You will learn how to do a simple sequence of techniques on yourself to reduce or eliminate TMJ symptoms, reduce stress, and facilitate restful sleep. 2 CEUs
This dvd focuses on Fascia – the connective tissue that permeates every part of the body. Using fascinating recent research, we will look at the characteristics of fascia, its many important tasks, and the consequences of fascial restrictions. 2 CEUs
Cranial-Sacral Therapy 1 – What is Cranial-Sacral Therapy?
This dvd describes the Cranial-Sacral (CS) system, how it functions, its role in the body, what happens when it’s restricted, how it relates to other bodily systems, and how Cranial-Sacral Therapy can contribute to a healthy CS system. 4 CEUs
Cranial-Sacral Therapy 2 – Description of Techniques
This dvd gives you the essential CST tools you need to work on clients with many different conditions, like Tension headaches and Migraines, Back pain, Fibromyalgia, Cancer, ADHD, and dozens of other conditions. 4 CEUs
Cranial-Sacral Therapy 3 – The Complete Protocol
This dvd shows you how to do a complete Cranial-Sacral Therapy session using a protocol that has been tested in thousands of client sessions. You will have a better understanding of positioning, timing, and what to look for in your CST sessions. 4 CEUs
Cranial-Sacral Therapy 4 – Beyond the Protocol
This dvd shows you how to use specific Cranial-Sacral Therapy techniques in your practice, how to combine CST techniques with other modalities that you already use, and how to work with a variety of clients, including the elderly, those in hospice care, and infants and children. 4 CEUs
Body Dynamics Mastery 1 & 2
Body Dynamics Mastery shows you how to become more aware of your own body at work, so that you can move more freely, minimize tension in your body, and stay centered, leading to more effective sessions and happier clients. 4 CEUs
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