Ligament Pain Referral Pattern Posters
Enhance your clinic, improve your communication and help educate your patients with these NEW Ligament Pain Referral Pattern Posters.
Each poster set consist of 68 color images representing accurate descriptions of referral patterns for the Spine and the Extremities.
Over the last 25 years my patients complained of pain referral patterns that didn’t match the standard trigger points and dermatome patterns.
What I discovered was that the ligamentous articular tissues can be an unrecognized, overlooked source of pain/discomfort.
In the 1950’s, after almost 20 years and nearly 20,000 intraligamentous injections to over 1600 patients, Dr. George Hackett for the first-time documented these ligament pain referral patterns.
Today, research continues to document these patterns in publications like Spine, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, The Clinical Journal of Pain and many others.
These NEW Ligament Pain Referral Pattern Posters represent this extensive research.
Purchase as a set or individually.
Company: Ligamentous Articular Strain Techniques
Learn more or to purchase Click Here