Make the most of the time and money you invest in continuing education classes. Rather than perceiving your continuing education credits as something you must earn in order to renew and maintain your license, remember that these continuing education classes can help enhance your career from many different angles.
For a large number of massage therapists and bodyworkers, enrolling in continuing education classes is something that must be done in order to keep one’s license to practice legally. This is true for massage therapists and bodyworkers who live in states and regions where the field is regulated and continuing education is one of the requirements of regulation.
It is important for the massage therapists and bodyworkers who are governed by such regulations to get a firm grasp on what exactly is required in terms of earning these continuing education credits. Practitioners should know if there is a specific list of approved providers of continuing education, as well as whether certain classes must be completed to maintain licensure, such as courses on ethics or safety procedures.
Once you are well aware of what will count toward your continuing education credits, put a plan in place to make sure you stay on top of any changes to these requirements. Then, you are free to begin your search for continuing education classes that will do more than help you renew your license.
You will want to find continuing education classes that have other perks as well, such as renewing your passion for the daily work that you do, boosting your bottom line, alleviating some of the physical strain that comes with this work and making your practice an all-around more efficient place of business. These are a few of the main reasons why even those massage therapists and bodyworkers who are not regulated by a governing board and required to earn continuing education credits still sign up for such classes. These are also a few of the main reasons why practitioners across the board can get excited about taking continuing education classes.
To reap the maximum rewards from the time and money you spend taking continuing education classes, do your best to figure out which aspects of your massage therapy or bodywork practice could use a bit of bolstering. Then, search for a continuing education class that seems to be a fit for strengthening this particular part of your practice.
For example, you might feel that you are starting to suffer from the physical strain of your daily work as a massage therapist or bodyworker. In this case, you could look for continuing education classes that offer a fresh take on proper body mechanics. Another option might be learning a brand new skill that doesn’t require nearly as much physical force or energy to apply, such as reiki or craniosacral therapy.
Of course, if you do happen to live in a state or region where the field of massage therapy and bodywork is regulated and specific continuing education requirements apply, you will need to make sure you are working within those requirements in order to earn the necessary credits.
–Brandi Schlossberg