conducted a survey of over 1300 respondents measuring their level of happiness, and to identify what makes people happy. Material possessions consistently fell short of the non-tangible. And overall, the respondents seemed to be optimistic about the future.

Rolling Hills, CA (PRWEB) August 13, 2008 — [, Inc.]], a leading provider of respondents for online research projects, recently conducted a survey to find out [what makes people happy]. Non-tangible items like spending time with friends and positive recognition/feedback won out consistently over tangible “things”, regardless of age and gender. 69.4% of respondents listed spending time with friends as the most effective way to make them happy. Interestingly, the younger you are, the more effective this is in raising happiness. Nearly 80% of respondents 13-17 are happiest spending time with friends. This percentage steadily drops as age increases (70.3% of 18-24; 69.1% of 25-34; 62.5% of 35-49; and 64.9% of age 50+), although it is still at the top for all age groups.

When asked “how happy are you” there is no significant difference between male and female respondents. On a typical weekday, 36% of males and 35% of females describe themselves as very to extremely happy.

The happiest group is aged 25-34 years. 38% of this group reports themselves as very to extremely happy on an average weekday. Weekends prove to make everyone much happier (60% of respondent were very to extremely happy on a typical weekend). Unhappiness drops to 3.8% overall on a normal weekend.

Most people responding said they are happier now than they were 5-years ago. 58% of women and 56% of men felt this way.

Looking to the future, 74% of people expect to be happier 5-years from now. Only 5.4% don’t expect additional happiness. Youth has a higher optimism. 80% of 13-17 year olds expect greater happiness in the future. Only 52% of the 50+ crowd agrees.

For additional information on this survey or for the full results, contact Janet Westergaard or visit

About, Inc., Inc. was founded in 1995 as one of the first to use the Internet in primary consumer market research. The company was the first to develop an online research panel and continues with this development today with nearly 1,000,000 panel members. In addition, has developed a number of specialty panels including business, IT, chronic disease, teens, and entertainment enthusiasts. is a member of the American Marketing Association (AMA) and the Market Research Association (MRA) and fully complies with CASRO guidelines for online data collection and panelist privacy.

Janet Westergaard, Inc.
janet @

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