Reflexology for Eye Strain, by Kristine Kaoverii Weber, MASSAGE Magazine Self-Care TipIf you suffer from eye strain while you are working, make sure that you take a break every 15 to 30 minutes by looking away from your work and focusing on a distant object (at least 20 feet away) for 20 seconds.

This is a simple technique that can help ease eye strain. Use it while you are taking a break from your work or relaxing after work.

— Locate the reflex area of the eyes on your foot. Rotate on the point and pinch this area for about five minutes on each side.

This is also beneficial for headaches related to eye strain.

Healing Self-Massage: Over 100 simple techniques for re-energizing body and mind, by Kristine Kaoverii Weber, MASSAGE Magazine Self-Care TipExcerpted from the book Healing Self-Massage: Over 100 simple techniques for re-energizing body and mind, by Kristine Kaoverii Weber