Do you ever forget to take care of yourself? You take care of clients all day, addressing their needs and their pain. But finding balance in your life and career means also taking care of yourself. Learn self-care tips you can implement now to achieve optimum levels of health and happiness.
21 Self-Care Apps You Need to Try
Yoga vs. Pilates: What’s Best for You?
Massage Therapists: Keep Your Thumbs Pain-Free
And more!
MASSAGE Magazine 2018
Apps exist to address virtually every aspect of self-care. Apps can help you work out, meditate, track-fat grams and calories, train your brain, improve your attitude, get better sleep, and more
21 Self-Care Apps You Need To Try
Self-care options that relate specifically to physical movement are yoga and Pilates. What’s the difference between them—and which one is right for you?
Yoga vs. Pilates: What’s Best for You?
Start your journey on the road to self-care and achieve higher levels of mental, emotional and physical health.
And more!
As a hands-on practitioner, your thumbs are precious, powerful and worth preserving. Here are few principles of sustainable thumb use for massage.
Massage Therapists: Keep Your Thumbs Pain-Free
Self-care isn’t something you do once and tick off the list.
It's the constant repetition of many small habits that soothe and make sure you are your best self, emotionally, physically and mentally.
You provide your clients with a sense of well-being, relaxation and care. Give yourself the same care so you can continue to provide an amazing experience for your clients.
This eBook will give you all the tools you need to increase your self-care as a massage therapist.
Do you desire to have a well developed presence on social media networks, but feel like you’re not up to speed on what that looks like currently? This eBook will hopefully be able to answer those questions and more.
Social media has become a consistent and integral part of our lives. New features on multiple platforms have made sharing our lives and consuming content easier than ever, even facilitating engagement in real-time through live streaming.
In a few clicks, a user can share the page, profile, or website of a business or service with which they have had a good experience. With a single click, their friends and followers can check out their recommendation and make a decision to contact or visit the business. Those messages are likely being sent, and more importantly received, on a smartphone.
Why is Social Media Essential for Bodyworkers?
What's New In Social Media this Year?
Are Your Accounts Up to Par?
Failing at Social Media? 5 Tips to Turn it Around