Massage home-study courses can further your education interests, expand your business knowledge and increase your professional expertise.
The online offerings of massage home-study courses are expanding as technology does. Whether you want to broaden your personal educational interests, expand your knowledge of the profession or increase your business knowledge, massage home-study courses can help you.
The techniques of massage therapy can be used to treat depression, cancer, fibromyalgia and chronic pain. Knowing your clients’ needs can aid you in choosing what is right to help expand your practice.
By learning the benefits and techniques of massage therapy in the privacy of your home or office through home-study courses, massage therapists can easily implement these tools into practice.
Below is a glimpse of some home-study courses that are available.
Oncology massage
Oncology massage aids in easing a wide array of symptoms that persist from chemotherapy and radiation treatments cancer patients endure.
For oncology massage, basic home-study courses include topics that cover cancer and neoplasia; causes of cancer; current medical treatments for cancer; general guidelines for massage therapists; cancer types; skin health; specific massage oils; therapy protocol; and cancer massage precautions.
As always, make sure to check check with your national and state licensing bodies to make sure the courses you select are acceptable for continuing education credits.
HIV and AIDS are autoimmune diseases that attack the body’s immune system and can cause a client great pain. If not handled properly, the diseases can be a danger to the massage therapist.
Some courses for HIV and AIDS include diagnosis; treatment; transmission; standard precautions for preventing infection; contraindications for HIV-Infected clients; bodywork modification; emotional impact to the practitioner; research findings; along with references and resources for further study.
Massage for fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that can affect nearly anyone’s physical, mental and social dispositions.
Some course topics regarding massage to treat fibromyalgia include signs, symptoms and causes of fibromyalgia; diagnosis; treatment; massage techniques and modalities. In some courses, materials also cover coexisting conditions, topical balms, salves, along with stretches and exercises.