Mary Biancalana, L.M.T., C.M.T.P.T. shares a quick and helpful self-treatment of the serratus anterior and latissimus dorsi on her YouTube channel:

Read “The 7-Step Trigger Point Protocol,” by Mary Biancalana, L.M.T., M.Ed., C.M.T.P.T., in the June print issue of MASSAGE Magazine.


Mary Biancalana, L.M.T., M.Ed., C.M.T.P.T., is a board-certified myofascial trigger-point therapist, personal trainer and president of the National Association of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists. She is also founder and owner of the Chicago Center for Myofascial Pain Relief, Advanced Trigger Point Seminars and Trigger Point Sports Performance. She authored an article in the April edition of Better Homes and Gardens and “Self-Care of Trigger Points and Referral Patterns“ for