Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the “Wellness Program Return-on-Investment: Benchmarks, Strategies, and Case Studies for Proving the Value of Your Wellness Initiatives Conference CD-ROM” report to their offering.
Overwhelmingly, proving Return-on-Investment (ROI) of a workplace wellness and health promotion program to senior management ranks as the top concern expressed by professionals responsible for the administration and management of their organizations wellness programming, according to the Workplace Wellness Management Year End Survey.
Almost 40 percent of large companies in the United States spend more than $200,000 annually on wellness programs, and 20 percent spend at least $1 million, according to a report released last fall by the Business Roundtable, a Washington, D.C.-based association. The cost of wellness programs is becoming increasingly visible and is therefore being scrutinized by senior management.
Wellness managers must prove the financial viability of wellness programs to ensure senior management™s continued support of their programs.
“Programs and initiatives will be competing for the limited funds, and those that are able to demonstrate ROI will be in a better position to survive the budget and programmatic cuts anticipated,” according to one survey respondent.
Despite the attention on ROI, many wellness managers don’t know the ROI of their programs.
What makes wellness programs’ ROI so difficult to calculate? And why are published wellness program ROIs been so inconsistent? How do you document the ROI from your wellness programs?
Join the Wellness Program Management Advisor for Wellness Program Return-on-Investment: Benchmarks, Strategies, and Case Studies for Proving the Value of Your Wellness Initiatives, that took place in August 2008
Key Topics Covered:
Strategies for proving the value of your wellness programs
Overview of the Alliance for Wellness Program ROI, a non-profit inter-company cooperative, formed to promote corporate wellness programs by demonstrating, through an objective ROI measurement, that wellness programs are an investment rather than an expense to a company
Benchmarking results from Buck Consultant™s Study WORKING WELL: A Global Survey of Health Promotion and Workplace Wellness Strategies, that analyzed responses from 555 organizations representing approximately 7 million employees
– The average cost per employee of wellness programs
– Reduction in healthcare costs attributed to wellness programs
Case Study: The Impact of Highmark™s Employee Wellness Programs on 4-year Healthcare Costs
Case Study: Henry Ford Health System “ How measuring ROI has influenced their wellness programs
Question and answer session
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Research and Markets
Laura Wood
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