Determining the type of continuing education you, as a professional massage therapist or bodyworker, wish to enroll in typically will depend on a number of factors. It is wise to take the time to think through your decision on continuing education from a variety of angles in order to make the most out of your investment, in terms of both time and money.
If you live in an area where the field of massage therapy and bodywork is regulated by a governing board, you need to know exactly when your massage license is up for renewal and whether or not continuing education credits are required to obtain that renewal.
In most regions where the field of professional touch therapy is regulated, racking up continuing education credits is a part of the process when it comes to renewing one’s license to practice. If this is the case for you, then your first step will be to find out how many continuing education credits you need to renew your license, exactly when you need to have them complete and whether there are any rules or requirements as to what kind of classes do or don’t count toward those credits.
Armed with this essential information, those massage therapists and bodyworkers who practice in regulated places will be ready to move on to the next set of considerations. For practitioners of professional touch who work in places where the field is not regulated, this step can be skipped, and the options should be wide open when it comes to enrolling in continuing education.
One of the best methods to help you move toward selecting your continuing education class is to take a look at what areas of your practice may need a bit of bolstering. For example, the hands-on component of your work could be quite strong and satisfying for you, but the business side of your massage or bodywork practice may feel like it could use a little work.
If this is the case, you could check out continuing education courses on topics that focus on business, such as marketing, accounting and so on. Take your time, and try to find the continuing education class that best fits the specific needs of your practice.
Maybe you are not concerned about the business aspects of your massage and bodywork practice, but instead you feel you may be losing some enthusiasm about the hands-on work you do each day. In this instance, it may be smart to enroll in a continuing education class that can teach you a whole new modality, something to jump-start your passion for healing.
Once you know the type of continuing education course you wish to enroll in, your next consideration will be how you choose to take the class. There are several options in this arena, including online education, in-person education and destination education.
Taking a class online can be a great fit for those massage therapists and bodyworkers with packed schedules, or those who live in rural locales and have less time or money to invest in transportation.
By making your continuing education choices in a methodical, step-by-step manner, you should feel more confident that you’re making the most of this learning opportunity.
–Brandi Schlossberg