Video Transcription
Hi, my name’s Eric Stephenson, I’m from iMassage. And I just wanted to share with you today that as a massage therapist, you can really change someone’s life in one hour.
So if you’re present, and you’re really working with attention and intention, working with somebody and not on somebody, you can have a really profound affect on someone’s life, and really can change the course of their life, whether it’s getting regular massage, or maybe even one day going to a massage school themselves, because of the massage that you gave them.
Think about that today.
Hi. I’m Angie Patrick. I’m the Director of Corporate Sales for Massage Warehouse. And I’d like to share with you a message that is kind of a global message for all of the providers of professional goods.
When you’re a therapist, the goods you buy really reflect who you are as a therapist. And so, as a student, it’s really, really easy to get caught up in, “Oh, this is on sale over here at this big box store,” or “This is on sale over here on this online vendor.” I would encourage you to say, “Who is it out there that supports my industry, that’s helping to support my future, and who invests their time, their effort and their energy into things that are important to what I do?”
So wherever you buy, please do your research and make sure that they’re providing you products that are meant for a professional massage market. That are built to withstand the rigors that you’re going to put on that table or those linens or whatever you’re buying. And also, make sure that they’re stewards of the industry, that they’re taking care of giving back appropriately, so that we can all grow together and become a much stronger industry, and have greater outcomes for our patients and our clients.
Thank you very much. I appreciate you taking the time to watch.