It has been asserted that colors and patterns can evoke different emotions in people. With that fact in mind, I have taken note when a client will comment on the color or pattern of the sheets used in her massage [session]. I have received a lot of positive and insightful observations from a number of my clients when I chose a particular set of sheets to use for their massage. They’ll remark that they like the color—purple seems to be a popular favorite—or that the leaves, snow flakes or geometric design make them feel good or cozy under the sheets. I’ve taken this information one step further, and I now put a note in the client’s file if she makes any mention about the colors or patterns of the sheets and I will pull that particular set of sheets to use (or not use) for her massage. It lets the client know I remember what her likes are, makes her feel more relaxed and when she enters the massage room and sees her favorite color or design, the client knows this is uniquely her time in her peaceful space.