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To complement the article “Focused Mind, Energy & Words: Harness the Healing Power of Intention” in the October 2014 issue of MASSAGE Magazine. Summary: These statements of intention will help massage therapists and clients guide their work and achieve therapeutic goals.

Healing intentions are beneficial for both the massage therapist and client. The following suggested intentions may be modified as you see fit, to serve each individual and to support yourself as you work.

Healing Intentions for Clients

  • My intention is to allow myself to truly receive, and to release anything that is no longer serving me, including physical tension and emotional blocks.
  • My intention is to heal my heart and my patterns of physical and emotional pain and to know that I am worthy of living a joyous, love-filled life.
  • My intention is to breathe deeply and allow my higher consciousness and inner wisdom to fill my being.
  • My intention is to know I am worthy of being taken care of and to allow healing into every cell of my body.
  • My intention is to allow any detrimental patterns in my physical, emotional or mental being to be replaced by light, levity and love.

Healing Intentions for Therapists

  • My intention is to offer unconditional support and nurturing and to invite you (the client) to let go of anything that is no longer serving you.
  • My intention is to be fully present in each moment and to listen with my hands, heart and intuition to what your body needs.
  • My intention is to embody unconditional love and acceptance for the entire session.
  • My intention is to be fully present with your fascia, muscles and physiology and to support you as you let go of tension and trauma.
  • My intention is to stay in tune with myself, my healing gifts and my breath as I offer healing and support to my clients.

For both you and your clients, speaking an intention out loud is powerful. However, bringing your attention inward and feeling the intention is also very effective. If a client does share or speak her intention, you can allow it to guide you throughout the session; or you can form your own, and use that as a guide. The most important thing to remember is that the healing power of intention is within your reach. 

About the Author

Donna Elizabeth Jason cofounded Sacred Lomi (www.sacredlomi.com) with Tom Cochran and wrote and produced their Sacred Lomi DVDs. As a seminar leader, writer and filmmaker, she is committed to supporting people who want to live authentically, heal and thrive. Her Hawaiian Healing Intention Cards will be available in December.

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