Earning continuing education credits as a massage therapist or bodyworker is a wonderful way to enhance your practice, improve your career and boost your income. Fortunately for those who work in the field of touch therapy, there is an incredibly wide array of continuing education classes available. With all these options, it should not be difficult to find the continuing education class best suited for you and your practice at any given time.

For those massage therapists and bodyworkers who may be rather fresh out of school, taking a few continuing education courses can be a great way to add a new option or two to your practice menu. Throughout your schooling, you most likely came across a couple modalities or techniques that intrigued you. Once you get settled into your working life as a massage therapist or bodyworker, start thinking about taking a couple continuing education classes, so you can learn more about those particular techniques or modalities.

This exploring of new or different forms of touch therapy via continuing education classes is in no way reserved for those practitioners who are just starting out in their careers. The opportunity to take on new touch techniques is valuable for even the most seasoned massage therapists and bodyworkers. The key is to pay attention to when you are feeling pulled or drawn toward a new technique or modality, or perhaps simply feeling a bit restless with your current touch therapy routines.

If you are feeling intrigued by a particular modality, then start looking into what continuing education classes are available on that specific topic in the near future. However, if you are simply feeling a bit restless and think you would like to explore something new but are unsure about which technique or modality, continuing education classes can still be your best bet.

After all, taking one beginning continuing education course on a new technique does not mean you have to commit to adding this technique into all your sessions or even using it all. Instead, the continuing education class allows you to get a glimpse at the modality and get a bit of a feel for what it is like, so you can make a more informed decision about whether to pursue further continuing education classes on this form of touch therapy.

The good news is that when you do find a new hands-on skill that feels like a good fit, you can again use continuing education classes to your advantage. Most continuing education providers offer a progressive ladder of continuing education courses on various techniques or modalities. This means you can start with a beginning continuing education class and then move up the ladder, rung by rung, until you are taking continuing education classes for advanced practitioners.

Not to be forgotten are the continuing education courses available on topics other than touch techniques. These continuing education courses may address such subjects as marketing for massage therapists, proper body mechanics, accounting and so on. Choose your next continuing education class based on what you feel will most benefit you, your practice and your clients.

–Brandi Schlossberg