From the MASSAGE Magazine article, “Body & Spa: Body Wraps Relax, Rejuvenate and Detoxify,” , in the June 2009 issue. Article summary: Body wraps can contour the body, detoxify, moisturize, hydrate, stimulate the lymphatic and circulatory systems and result in temporary weight or inch loss. Wraps address a number of common concerns, including aging, stress, toxins, flabby muscles and physical injury.

by Jan Heinrich

A toxin-cleanse body wrap system will enhance massage treatment by assisting in the release of lactic acid from the muscles, so the massage can flush out the acid. More complete removal of lactic acid is beneficial for fibromyalgia and athletic clients. Fibromyalgia clients report great improvement with a series of three body wraps taken three days apart.

Body wrap treatments will allow chronic fatigue and arthritic clients to sleep more restfully. The toxin cleansing from the fat cells will reduce size in fatty areas, which can be measurable. Size-loss body wrap treatments will bring in new clients and are sure to increase client referrals.

Massage therapists may choose a body wrap system that does not require a shower for clients to use after the session; therefore, body wrap treatments can easily be done in an existing treatment room. The treatment, being much less strenuous than massage treatments, allows therapists to extend their work day by scheduling a body wrap treatment after two or three massages.

Body wrap solution will cost less than $6 for each treatment and will price at the same as a one hour massage. The client will be in the room for about 70 minutes. A facial, hand and foot massage during the 45-minute time the client is wrapped will accelerate the relaxation of the treatment and warrant its own add-on charge.

A healthy aloe-and-herb body wrap treatment goes perfectly into a massage business and will enhance the therapist’s bottom line.

Jan Heinrich is managing director at Set-N-Me-Free Aloe Co. Since 1980, Heinrich and the Set-N-Me-Free team of professionals have been manufacturing healthy aloe vera-based creams, lotions and spa treatment products. Heinrich was a salon owner for nine years and has worked with the Oregon Roadrunners Association, Nike Games, Oregon Chiropractors Association and many AMTA associations over the years in training and product support. For more information, visit