
July/August 2001
Issue 92
For Cerebral Palsy Patients, Massage Makes Life Better
by Denise Edwards and Gary BruceA half-million people in the U.S. have cerebral palsy, and 5,000 infants are diagnosed with the disorder each year. Massage therapy contributes to the overall well-being of people who have cerebral palsy, by promoting improved posture, relaxation and movement control. The authors, therapists who specialize in bodywork for clients with brain injuries and developmental delays, explain what cerebral palsy is; the effect the disorder has on musculature and muscle control; the benefits of massage; and how to address the special needs of this clientele.

Body & Spa: Choosing the Spa That’s Best for You
by Melinda MintonMassage is offered in virtually every spa in the country. Oddly, though, it sometimes takes a delicate balancing act to make this marriage a happy union. Spa directors often set a rigid agenda for how services will be performed, are strict about the length of time spent on a service, and require meticulous consistency in method. For some massage therapists, this can be deadening to the spirit. Spa formats can be like asking an artist to do a painting – the exact same painting – every 50 minutes.
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Research Matters
by Janet Kahn, Ph.D.In this new column, researcher Janet Kahn, Ph.D., explains what’s happening in the area of massage research. In this issue, she discusses why competence in research is one of the hallmarks of a health profession, and why massage schools should add research to their curriculam.
Stress Reduction 101
by Moryt Milo
In 1998, massage therapist Larry Warnock oversaw a small massage event at Tufts University. Soon, he was offered an on-campus massage studio. Now, in addition to massaging Tufts students, he teaches a bodywork class at the university. Here, the story of how it all happened.
Body Language: F
by Thomas MyersThis column explores the alphabet in somatic terms. In this issue, the letter F: It’s origin, Moshe Feldenkrais, and the Functional Integration approach to posture.   
E X P E R T   A D V I C E: The most important things to do or know when networking with physicians

Massage Improves Immune Function in HIV-Positive Adolescents
Massage Eases Lower Back Pain, Increases Range of Motion

Reader Expression: What is your best client success story? 
Table Talk:
Compassionate touch for cancer patients
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