The Importance of Space Around Your Massage Table, MASSAGE Magazine

The space around a massage table may be overlooked or undervalued in a massage practice. However, it is important to consider the space around your massage table, as you need to be able to move around freely to provide clients with an effective therapeutic session–without worrying about bumping into something.

The following excerpt from Barbara Frye, L.M.P., in her book, Body Mechanics for Manual Therapists: A Functional Approach to Self-Care and Injury Prevention, explains why having enough space around your massage table is important:

If you are concerned about hitting a wall or piece of furniture, you cannot give your total attention to your work. If you are restricting movements because of space, your body mechanics will be less than effective. On the other hand, not all room setup situations are ideal, and the key to working in a small space is to adapt to the space available.

Clear the room of all unnecessary furniture and other items taking up space. Place your table so it has equal space around all sides. The most important point is to be relaxed, and keep breathing.