Whether you choose to take a continuing education class on a new and different modality or on the topic of proper accounting procedures for massage therapists and bodyworkers, continuing education is one of the best ways to improve your current practice. The broad array of continuing education classes available to professional practitioners means here is a continuing education course out there for nearly any goal or need.
However, it is up to the massage therapist to figure out what his or her goals or needs may be as far as the various ways in which one wishes to improve his or her practice. By getting clear on these points, it can be much easier to find and enroll in a continuing education course designed to meet the specific need.
For example, a massage therapist who works for another employer, such as a hotel resort, medical clinic or massage franchise, may not need to worry about finding and taking a continuing education class on accounting for touch therapists who own their own practices. However, should this massage therapist begin thinking about branching out and starting her own private practice, then enrolling in this kind of continuing education class would then become a wise choice.
As another example, the massage therapist who works for an employer may be quite content to stay in the role of employee and not concern herself with the business details of running a private practice. However, this same practitioner might feel the need to enroll in a continuing education class on a new and different modality that would allow her to better meet the needs of her clients. In turn, this could mean more clients and a move up within the employer’s organization.
Hopefully it is becoming clear how your own needs and goals as a professional practitioner should dictate your choice of continuing education classes. Many touch therapists may already know exactly what they need in order to improve their practices. For these people, the key is to take this knowledge and put it into action by enrolling in continuing education classes that may be able to meet those needs.
Remember, there is an incredibly long list of continuing education classes available for professional massage therapists and bodyworkers. Therefore, you should not dismiss any of your needs or goals simply because you do not believe there will be a continuing education class on that particular topic.
Imagine a bodyworker who is beginning to feel consistent aches, pains and fatigue at the end of most busy work days. This practitioner may believe she needs to schedule fewer sessions, or take some time off or make appointments to receive some bodywork of her own or perhaps even to see a doctor about pain medications.
While some of these actions are probably wise, this bodyworker should also think about ways in which continuing education could help her solve this serious problem. For example, she could take a continuing education class on body mechanics, to get a refresher and maybe learn a few new concepts as well. She could also consider taking continuing education courses on techniques that are not physically demanding, such as reiki or another form of energy work.