To complement “Conscious Color Inspires Well-Being” in the June 2016 print edition of MASSAGE Magazine.


Science teaches that the human body is more than just physical matter and mass; it is made up of energy matter.

Physicists teach that the human body is a complex grouping of frequencies and vibrations, as much as it is composed of water, blood, bones, tissues and muscles.

Therefore, in order to have optimal health and wellness, all aspects of the self need to be addressed. Color therapy offers a vital means to affect the energy component of the body, providing a truly holistic practice.


What is Color?

Color is a form of energy that you can see. Color, after all, is vibration, frequency and light. The colors you see are derived from light; in particular, the frequencies that are part of the visible light spectrum.

Anytime you see color, you are engaging with the wavelengths of the visible light spectrum. These color light wavelengths enter your brain and are processed through the hypothalamus, which affects your nervous system, the production of hormones, and your endocrine system. You may paint your walls with color, drive colored cars, drink out of mugs of varying hues, and choose colorful clothing for the joy it brings you, but are you aware that every time you look at color it affects your internal being, too?

Each color vibrates at a particular rate that has a specific effect on the human body. The slower-moving frequencies, red, orange and yellow, tend to stimulate the body and the faster-moving frequencies, turquoise, blue, and violet, tend to soothe it. For example, a bright red color frequency is energizing and can stimulate circulation, whereas a pale blue vibration is relaxing and can calm the emotions.

For one study on the effect of color on the body, see The Effects of Baker-Miller Pink on Biological, Physical and Cognitive Behaviour.

In particular, research has accrued on the psychological and physiological effects of the color rays red and blue, due to the attention of physicians interested in color therapy.

In 1875 [according to various account on the Internet], a European doctor named [last name not known] Ponza did studies on the effects of red and blue colored rooms on his patients, [indicating] that red positively influenced introverted patients and blue calmed down agitated patients.

In 1938, the Worchester State Hospital in Massachusetts did effective testing on patients with colored lights revealing that red had a stimulating effect while blue had a soothing effect. In 1958, Robert Gerard, Ph.D., of UCLA, did substantial testing to [indicate] that blood pressure increases under red light and decreases under blue light. (Color Psychology and Color Therapy, Birren, 1950.)


Color Therapy

Color Therapy is an ideal modality to awaken the flow of energy in and throughout the inner energy body, because color is energy.

Like affects like. Each color’s unique vibration is as unique as the functions of the various organs and glands within the body.

Most people tend to recognize that they actually feel different in the presence of different colors, so it becomes easy to understand that each color elicits a unique response within the body as well. If you are open to learning more about the effects of particular color wavelengths on the physical body, you’ll really be able to appreciate color therapy as a useful tool in supporting holistic well-being.


Chakra Centers

The wellness philosophy of yoga teaches that we have seven major inner energy centers that govern our physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual health. The chakra centers, (correctly pronounced cha-kra with a “cha” like the dance “cha cha cha”) were discovered by ancient yogins in India. These centers of inner energy are places within the body where energy/frequency/vibration typically circulates and rotates.

The Sanskrit word chakra, literally translated, means wheel. The plural of chakra, in Sanskrit, is chakrani, not chakras. Yoga teaches that seven key chakrani make up the core of your inner energy body, and these seven major chakrani work together to influence the flow of vital life force energy within your organs and glands.

This subtle energy system of seven chakrani ultimately works together to enrich your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Since there are seven key rainbow rays and seven vital energy centers, a correlation between color and the chakra centers was made in ancient times. The sun was revered as a God by many cultures and because the ancient wellness aids came from plants/herbs/flowers, which were fed by the sun’s light, the rainbow rays were revered as nature’s healers. I invite you to consider that the healing energy of color is still available as a viable source of wellness.

With the exception of the root chakra (at the perineum) and the crown chakra (at the top of the head), each chakra is located within the body, between the back body and the front body, along the spine. Each chakra governs a specific physical area of the body, including its coordinating organs and glands, as well as different mental and emotional qualities.

Since each chakra is unique and has its own specific energetic responsibility to our being, a specific rainbow ray matches that responsibility. It’s actually quite fascinating how the functions of the various organs mirror the individual color frequencies’ benefits.

Each of the seven basic rainbow rays provides support to the chakrani’s mission of providing energy for optimal health and wellness.


chakra lotus pose

Chakra-Color Correlations


Root Chakra

Physical areas it governs: feet, legs, buttocks, tailbone and hands

Physical functions/organs/glands it governs: colon, lower intestines, male sex organs, adrenaline and circulation

Emotional qualities: feeling stable, supported, nourished, safe, ambitious and active

Deep Red grounds and stabilizes, Bright Red activates and energizes


Sacral Chakra

Physical areas it governs: low belly, low back and wrists

Physical functions/organs/glands it governs: bladder, kidneys and female sex/reproductive organs

Emotional qualities: feeling flexible, adaptable, sensual, social, creative

Orange stimulates creativity and ability to go with the flow


Solar Plexus Chakra

Physical areas it governs: mid belly, mid back and elbows

Physical functions/organs/glands it governs: digestion, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, spleen and adrenal glands

Emotional qualities: feeling clear, confident, joyful, able to make decisions, able to digest emotions and thoughts

Yellow supports clarity and confidence


Heart Chakra

Physical areas it governs: upper chest, upper back and upper arms

Physical functions/organs/glands it governs: respiration, circulation, blood pressure, heart, lower lungs, thymus gland

Emotional qualities: feeling balanced, open-hearted, compassionate, generous, loving

Green encourages balance on all levels


Purification Chakra

Physical areas it governs: shoulders, neck, jaw, mouth, teeth, gums, nose and ears

Physical functions/organs/glands it governs: upper lungs, thyroid gland, sense of taste, smell and hearing

Emotional qualities: feeling communicative, peaceful, relaxed and content

Pale Blue supports expression, peaceful communication and overall calming


Inner Eye Chakra

Physical areas it governs: sinuses, eyes, forehead and back of head

Physical functions/organs/glands it governs: sense of sight, pituitary and pineal glands and intuitive/psychic thought

Emotional qualities: feeling balanced between analytical and creative thinking, trust in one’s intuition, and contentment with mind

Royal Blue encourages balance in the brain, stimulates creative thought and soothes over-thinking


Crown Chakra

Physical areas it governs: head

Physical functions/organs/glands it governs: brain, nervous system, and pituitary and pineal glands

Emotional qualities: feeling a sense of purpose, connectedness and trust in the world

Violet initiates freedom and openness


An Inner Blueprint

The benefits of relating to the chakra system are many. You can utilize chakra awareness to guide yourself out of a state of imbalance or assist a client in gaining more awareness.

This is how the chakra system as a useful blueprint for personal growth will reveal itself the most. Because these seven major energy centers relate to each and every physical, mental and emotional experience of life, being aware of what chakrani need attention, you’ll be able to take more self-responsibility and participate in your own health and healing.


Attention & Intention

Relating to the chakra centers with color therapy can be as simple as two guiding principles I utilize in my training courses: Attention and Intention.

Ask, “Which chakra do I want to focus therapeutic/healing attention on?” and “What is my color therapy intention here?” The most basic methods of utilizing color to influence chakra wellness include simple meditative gazing at a colored object, like a piece of colored cloth; and using colored light consciously in a room.

More depth-filled, long-lasting color therapy includes utilizing applications of color aromatherapy oils and mists. Whether you are utilizing color frequency from the outside in or the inside out, you’ll delight in knowing that you do in fact have an opportunity to shift the vibration of the subtle energy body.

Plus, enriching health and well-being no longer has to feel like a chore or hard work, because utilizing color is so enjoyable. Enjoy your journey.


Constance HartAbout the Author

Color Therapy Expert Constance Hart is the founder and developer of Conscious Colors®, Color Aroma™ essential oils and mists, and the Color Spa™ signature spa treatment. She provides practitioner/spa training/cer­tification in Color Aroma Therapy, professional Color Therapy consultations, and live and online workshops. Hart wrote “Conscious Color Inspires Well-Being” for the June 2016 print issue of MASSAGE Magazine.