Collagentex RX1
Non-invasive, skin rejuvenation therapy
- Effective pain relief in ligaments, muscles, nerves, soft tissue of musculoskeletal origins.
- Reduced fine lines and anti aging effects of 580nm to 1500nm near infrared polychromatic red light spectrum.
- Non-collimated, easier to focus.
- Facial, shoulder, hip, buttocks and full body treatments.
- Painless, non invasive 10 to 20 minute quick treatments.
The Collagentex difference.
Skin Science that works!
- Latest, quartz Plasma-Arc technology delivers polychromatic, near infrared energy efficiently and safely with zero UV emission.
- Collagentex spectrum rays can penetrate well below the dermal layers, energizing the targeted tissue at the optimum skin temperature.
- Easier to use than conventional laser systems and many times more powerful than traditional LED systems.
- Lowest operating cost/session
Company: Collagentex
Phone: 450.622.4004