Depression: An Integrative Approach
Course Description
Depression is one of the most serious and costly health care problems facing the United States today. It is one of the most common types of mental disorders. Depression interferes with an individual’s daily life, normal functioning, and may cause emotional pain for the individual with the disorder and family and friends. Although depression is a common but serious mental illness, with treatment depressive symptoms can be alleviated.
Purpose/GoalThe outcome of this course is for the learner to describe the different forms of depressive disorders, pathophysiology, symptoms, and diagnosis as well as the conventional and integrative treatment approaches for depression.
Course Objectives – Upon completion you will be able to do the following:
- Differentiate between the different forms of depressive disorders.
- Discuss the pathophysiology of depression.
- Compare gender and age differences in depression.
- Describe the relationship between sleep and depression.
- Identify the symptoms of depression.
- Describe the criteria for diagnosis of depression.
- Identify the differential diagnoses of depressive disorders.
- Examine conventional treatment approaches for depression.
- Examine integrative treatment approaches for depression.