DIT for the Shoulder, Arm, and Hand DVD
What You’ll See on this DVD:
This dvd shows you how to use Direct-Indirect Technique to release tight myo-fascial restrictions in the rotator cuff muscles, deltoids and upper arm muscles, forearm muscles, and muscles of the hand. Plus, you will learn how to:
– Relieve shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, & hand pain
– Relieve carpal tunnel syndrome
– Relieve brachial plexus restrictions causing shooting pain, numbness, or tingling down the arm, wrist, hand
– Relieve soreness from repetitive movement patterns
Website: https://rayoflightmassagetraining.com/product/dit-for-the-shoulder-arm-and-hand/
See more about this DVD below.
Available as an online course as well!
4 CEUs Available!