Brevard, NC (November 9, 2009) – Gaia Herbs, a leading grower and manufacturer of natural and organic herbal products, announces Quick Defense Liquid Phyto-Caps, a combination of high potency organic Echinacea, organic Elderberry, organic Ginger and Andrographis that helps support the body’s immune system at onset. Working synergistically, the blend of herbs is quick acting and only needs to be used for short periods of time during sinus and respiratory challenge.

Quick Defense’s unique formula, created by CEO Ric Scalzo, Clinical Herbalist, is based on 5 years of Gaia Herbs’ NIH-NCCAM federally funded Echinacea research, which resulted in new discoveries about the most effective way to use the plant. An important class of compounds in Echinacea root called alkylamides – as opposed to the aerial parts of this herb, was found to impact inflammatory pathways, which is necessary when the body is faced with immune challenge. According to Keri Marshall, ND, Medical Director at Gaia Herbs, “This research sorts out conflicting information about the use of Echinacea by delineating which part of the plant should be used for which part of the illness cycle. The active compounds in Echinacea root have demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity by supporting a healthy response of immune cells in vitro. To support the body during onset, we recommend taking the product in high frequency for only 2 to 4 days.”
This breakthrough understanding of Echinacea’s ability to influence the immune response led to a patented extraction technology developed by Gaia Herbs to concentrate the important alkylamides in their Echinacea extract. Gaia Herbs is the only US manufacturer growing, extracting, and standardizing these factors to guaranteed levels. Organic Echinacea angustifolia and E. purpurea plant species for Quick Defense are grown on their 250-acre organic farm in western North Carolina and by other select organic growers. Information about this product and Gaia’s Echinacea research will be featured on an episode of Healing Quest – seen on PBS stations around the country, in January and February 2010.

“Gaia Herbs stands alone in this research and Quick Defense represents the most concentrated alkylamide-rich Echinacea in our industry,” adds Dr. Marshall. Quick Defense is available in 20- and 40-count, liquid-filled vegetarian capsules. Suggested use is two capsules 5-times daily at onset.

Gaia Herbs is a certified organic grower and nationally-branded manufacturer of liquid herbal extracts based in Western North Carolina. The company cultivates 250 acres of medicinal herbs which, along with all operations at its 36,000-square-foot manufacturing facility, are organically certified each year by Oregon Tilth under USDA’s National Organic Program. Gaia Herbs’ line of all-natural herbal products is carried by independent health food retailers and co-ops, national and regional natural products retail chains, and healthcare professionals. To learn more, call (800) 831-7780, or