Advanced Scar & Trauma Certification
Sold By: Dolphin MPSProduct Description
MPS Scar/Adhesion Release
Chronic pain often equates to stress, both of which can make our daily lives miserable, and can lead to significantly impaired physical health and high societal costs. For some time now, chronic pain has been difficult to diagnose and treat for many health care professionals. When the millions of physical scars produced annually throughout North America are combined with the day-to-day accumulated patient traumas, the data represents a significant pre-existing pool of stress and pain patients within the general population. It may help to explain the causation of symptoms for millions of chronic pain sufferers.
Scars are the mark of injury to the skin. They can be external or internal, depending on the cause of the wound. Scar tissue has a different texture and quality than the surrounding tissue, and it is generally less flexible than the surrounding skin.
MPS Scar Release Therapy Brochure
How MPS Scar/Adhesion Release Therapy works
Scars have special influence on the body. They restrict metabolism, pull on fascia and negatively influence the body in many ways.
1) Scars Upregulate the Sympathetic Nervous System, producing stress, decreasing Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and healing vagal tone.
2) Scars create Internal adhesions inside the body. Adhesions acts as internal strait jackets, reducing muscle/organ performance and producing pain.
3) Scars suppress female hormone levels.
4) Scars block blood circulation and energetic flows through the meridian system, producing energy and circulation stagnations in extremities (lower).
5) Scars cause Chronic Pain throughout the body.
The above restrictions and blockages adversely affect the body in many ways, but the biggest influence is on pain. Fortunately, releasing the scar using MPS can yield powerful pain-relieving outcomes, which can improve mobility, diminish complications and decrease pain often found far removed from the scar site!
MPS Scar Release therapy (SRT) is a method used to release scars where MPS is applied bi-laterally to entire length of scars and then connected to key acupuncture points for localized cellular release and electrical re-connection of the body. This technique is especially effective in treating scars and adhesions deep inside us.
In general, this treatment is completely painless. You will see immediate visible changes in the appearance of the and pliability of the scar and gradually will notice a reduction in the tightness throughout the entire body. When a scar has been released there is no longer a restriction in the flow of energy, blood circulation and lymph drainage. The body can then complete the healing process.
The duration of treatment will depend on how many traumas and scars you have accumulated throughout your life. Whether from injury or surgery, scar tissue can always been significantly improved and softened with MPS Scar/Adhesion Release Therapy.
Clinical trials and soon-to-be-published research proves MPS Scar release therapy can provide significant pain relief in the 1st session. After a single scar release application, MPS improved pain outcomes 73% on severely chronic pain patients, who suffered an average 7.61 years with an average intensity of 6.33/10.
The consistency of chronic pain outcome improvements through the application of MPS to physical scars suggests there may be a strong neurological relationship between chronic pain symptomology and physical scars throughout the body.
These significant changes help validate the application of MPS to SCARS as an viable option to treating patients with non-specific soft tissue chronic pain. If you’re NOT applying MPS scar release to your patients, you’re missing a huge opportunity to help them improve their lives.
For your own health and longevity please consider attending one of our Scar-Trauma Release courses.
Course Feedback
“The seminar was extremely well run and organized. The skills I learned will not only benefit my clients but my own health as well. I am tremendously impressed. – THANK YOU!” −Donald Greene, LMT
“Very effective scar tissue treatments. Have never felt better. I have always felt restricted in my abdominal area and now I feel a free flow.” −Anna Tyrka, MT
“After 16 years of headaches following an automobile accident, I now feel no pain. The MPS protocol for scar release saved the quality of my life. I am so very thankful for this modality.” −Greg Fuell, OTA
16 Contact Hours.
Course Completion Requirements
Participants will be required to complete sign-in sheets, a certificate request and a course evaluation form. Participants will also be required to demonstrate hands-on skills throughout the course and will be evaluated by the instructor(s).
Please dress comfortably and bring a massage table if convenient to do so.
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