RockPods Cupping Set
Unlock myofascial manipulation with versatile and easy to use silicone pods.
Myofascial Cupping has been around since the early 19th century – only recently has the image of purple circles on professional athlete’s backs created attention to an ancient myofascial therapy. The cups and techniques have changed over time, but the basic premise of the cups providing suction to decompress the underlying tissue remains the same.
Become a master fascial manipulator with RockPods. Unique set of eight silicone pods, 4 large, and 4 smalls, allow you to grab, pull and push fascia to treat pain, mobility and movement dysfunctions.
Two sizes, unlimited possibilities. Large RockPod grabs and hold onto tissues and doesn’t let go. Target hard-to-reach areas with absolute precision of small RockPods.
Made from medical-grade silicone and packaged in a convenient carrying case and quick-start guide. These finely crafted cups are easy to clean and have no moving parts, so you can go from treatment-to-treatment with zero downtime.
RockPods are a tool, and a tool is nothing without training. FMT RockPods certification explores the science of tissue gliding, traction and decompression with easy to use myofascial cups. RockPods are one of the latest additions to the RockTape tool arsenal to better equip each clinician and therapist to deliver superior patient and client outcomes.