AFMTE logoMay 11, 2016 — The National Teacher Training Curriculum Development Committee released for public comment an initial draft of the Assessments Table for Standard One of the Core Competencies, as well as the introduction and glossary for the Assessments Table (AT). These are to be used in coordination with the Core Competencies for Massage Therapy and Bodywork Teachers and provide a template or “map” to guide educators through the process of demonstrating competence in each of the standards.

The Alliance for Massage Therapy Education (AFMTE) has provided a 12-question survey for structured public feedback. The Table, combined with the Core Competencies (CC), forms the framework around which the committee will then create the curriculum content for a Model Massage and Bodywork Teacher Training Program—the next phase of the National Teacher Education Standards Project (NTESP).

Feedback regarding the Core Competencies indicated that even experienced educators were looking for insight on how to specifically assess the competencies. The AT was created to help educators identify specific methodologies to assess their knowledge, skills and abilities as they relate to the Core Competencies. This AT can be used by a school administrator, an individual teacher, or the entire massage field to advance massage and bodywork education standards.


About the Alliance for Massage Therapy Education

The Alliance for Massage Therapy Education (AFMTE) serves as an independent voice, advocate and resource for the massage therapy and bodywork education community. Our mission is to support, strengthen and elevate educational practices and standards in massage therapy and bodywork. The AFMTE may be contacted at (855) 236-8331; the general office email address is; and the website is